Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My new pet

I got a new "pet":) iPod Video!!

Bui Bui got it for my birthday present this year. Hehehe... he said black looks good, but I chose white instead;)

Now, I have a movie & music-on-the-go gadget! No more afraid flight delay. No more afraid bored in subway. No more afraid traffic jam on cabbie. No more afraid of delayed meeting. Yay!!!!!:)

I'm loving it~~~

p/s: took me a while figuring out how to manage this gadget. Must admit I am out-dated. Luckily, I am still smart. I solved the problem at the end. HAH!

p/s: not very user friendly though, apple product. Like the movie, u cannot fast forward or backward one. Or is it I don't know how to use??? If you know how to fast forward movie in it, please tell me~~~~
*edit* -- I managed to know how to fastforward or backword the movie. Yay! now my next challenge is to find a way to change its subtitle language and also audio... dunno can do or not leh??

p/s: I am so smart, I managed to download and know how to use a "converter" to convert DVD movie to ipod readable format. yay!!


steve tan said...

wow u are so lucky!

Eileen said...

Bui bui wants God sister or not????

Elizebeth D.L. said...


now I just got a question, dunno how to change subtitle or change change audio (e.g. from mandarin to english) on it..

I not very into using ipod for music, I think I am a very 视觉感官 person.

One more complaint is the screen is a bit too small... guess convenience does come in cost eh?

Elizebeth D.L. said...

is it?
last time my uni use apple, the only thing i like is the 'trashbin'. other than that, i still think pc is better. kekekeke;)

Purple~MushRooM said...

Eh.. how come u never mention you called me to ask on how to operate it ah? Kekkeke.