Friday, July 29, 2011

Najis vs Tahi

My bui bui is very poor in Bahasa Malaysia (BM), everyone who knows him knows this is a fact. But people generally still think you will know the basics vocab of BM as you are a Malaysian right? Well... ladies and gentlemen, please listen to the following 2 jokes. The first jokes happened 5 years ago, the second jokes happened just last night.

Joke #1
You know the highway in KL? got so much toll to pay. When we first dating, I got questions but not dare to ask (pretending lah that time. hahahaa). It is regarding I everytime see he go line up at Touch-N-Go lane, but he got no touch-n-go. He used cash. But then the cash lane is so empty, so I really don't understand. So after a few dates, I asked him, "why you use cash but no go to cash lane?" Then bui bui answered, with this typical blur blur bear face, "is there a cash lane?? I don't see one??". I said, "huh? oi, there's a tunai lane there leh... you don't see? Empty some more oh!"... Then he continued with his blur blur bear face... "tunai means cash??? wow!!!!!!!!" I shocked... I asked, "you don't know what is tunai???" Then he said, "I always see that lane..  but I don't know what is tunai... and I thought it is related to tuna fish... and tuna fish and highway toll doesn't jive... so I am confused and thus I do not use that lane..."

You guys cannot imagine how shocked I was that time... my face is really like this : |

Joke #2
Yesterday I was browsing the facebook updates as usual... and some emails... and read about Najib's wife use dunno 73 million tax payer's money to buy the stupid diamond. So I was telling  bui bui, "this najib family, whole family all screwed up one. No wonder people now call Najib as Najis... memang correct...", and I hahahahaha there myself, expecting bui bui to join in laughing with me. But then.........

Bui bui, "what is najis?"
Me, "you don't know najis????? sigh... it means 大便 lah!!!!!"
Bui bui, "are you sure? but 大便 is tahi wor... i never heard of najis."
Me, "......." (really speechless)
Bui Bui, "why 大便 can be called tahi and najis?"
Me, "....... (really beh tahan liao)... babe, it is just like 粪 is 大便... they are the same..." (really no energy liao)
Bui Bui, "oh..... if you explain like that, I can understand. Ok, najis is 大便... hahahahahaha"
Me, "...." already no mood to hahahaha with him liao...

Sometimes my babe is really really really funny.... and the funniest part is, he didn't know he is funny... Oh my oh my....

Thursday, July 28, 2011





后来好不容易回答了,那个答复,真得很像金马伦清晨的雾,很“朦”。anyway, 我也只能转发给我的会计师咯。

我的会计师有一点火了,他说,为什么账目这么不清楚的,还要我帮她进一些transactions???? (我们有地产的买卖的,这一些账目我管的公司我都会纪录land 的fixed assets, building的fixed assets, 不然那个数不能对上的。我就跟那个女人讲,好声好气的,说,你能不能记录这一些账目在发给我的会计师,因为他不想等一下他帮你记了这个帐目,整个帐盘会乱掉。那个女人说我这边的做法就是这样的。我把资料给他,难道他自己不能进这个账目吗?


会计师打给我,说这不行的。幸好我老板刚好在我房间,他要我开speaker phone一起谈。把女人也叫进来一起谈(我们的公司是一起的,奇吧?)。女人来了,会计师解释说为什么需要她自己进帐,她一听然后我老板又在场,立刻不同嘴脸,说“我等一下做好就发给你,没问题的”。脸换得比四川变脸的功夫还要快。这个女人...


anyway, 该做的我都做了,包括叫她怎么进那笔账。再次让我看清这个女人的真面目,很可怕!!!她真的很贱的。她很有阶级观念的,一知道我级别比她低,就从来没有正眼跟我说话,每一次都用很官僚的口音说话,我真的真的很讨厌她!!!!!!亏我老板还以为她做事很厉害。是很厉害,很厉害耍手段啦!笨蛋老板!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



(一)这里因为地方小,人口少,很多店铺都是one man show 或是夫妻档的。夏天是“放假黄金期”,但是我万万没有想到竟然“黄金”到可以关铺放长假。Bui Bui 的理发店,就是放了2个星期,害他摸门钉。公司附近的一个one man show 咖啡店,昨天就开始关铺了,也没有字条说什么时候回来,真是的。搞不懂。然后负责我们银行户口的Account Manager, 也放假去了(1个月!!!),害我们要转帐都很麻烦。拜托这些Account Manager, 我们一周至少通一个email的,是不是应该很道德的跟我们说声她要放假了,什么事找谁谁谁?这样会不会好一些呢??!!!

(二)我公司有一个窝囊男人,老婆这里做的,他是做保险的,公司离我们公司好几条街远。可是他可以时常出现在我们公司,在他老婆房间里面chik chak 转!不是窝囊是什么??我自己也要买保险的,可是就是因为他这样,我打死也不会跟他买,也不会买他做的那间。太窝囊了!!!不用做meh??而且来也不会跟人打招呼,当然,他老婆的老板是例外的。真是si-kui!!!! bleah! 现在更是进化离谱到10点就在公司出现然后霸占厨房弄东西给他老婆吃!!!晕!!!令人“发指”,真不知道他到底有没有工作的??!... help~~~~~~

ok. Enough complaint for today:(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011



不过除了荔枝,我还同时吃了一包 chips, 一点 ice-cream, 一小杯yoghurt, 一杯果汁,一杯咖啡etc etc... i think i ate too much..


Monday, July 11, 2011


After seeing what's happening back home on July 9th, I have decided, if by the 2013 election I still hold Malaysia passport, I WILL GO BACK JUST TO VOTE!!

Najisb, I don't know why you so afraid of Fair and Free Election, this is international standard. And I don't know why as a leader of a country, you can mock Anwar in such a kindergarten tone, about he kena tear gas. You just lost my last 10% respect to you. And you are a big fat liar, "no physical contact was made at all"... you are such a jocker. The rakyat were just peacefully rallying on the street, did not burn down any public property nor looting but the polis were hitting people, chasing people with such a trait we never seen them on chasing the snatch thief, and shouting bahasa kasar at harmless women. YOU ARE A BIG FAT LIAR!!

And to the big flock of polis man out on that KL downtown day, finally, you make me realized you do have the "power" and "resources" but unfortunately, you used it on weaponless, unarmed citizens who paid your salary. Please, I beg you, to consider use your power and resources in catching snatch thief! You looked so garang, and so capable on 709. Use the same traits in catching snatch thief I GUARANTEE you won't fail rakyat!!

Damn angry, pissed, and heartache!!!! 公理何在?

Friday, July 08, 2011


Seriously, you are such a rich man's son, can you just quit your job and don't ka ka cau cau in the office by being unproductive, not following up on the projects you are supposed to, setting appointments with someone and having that someone came to office sit impatiently waiting for you but you are not showing up and none of us know where you are????


arghh.. damn angry...

Thursday, July 07, 2011

gum dou duk??

Have been quite stress for past two days because the item that I redeemed on Asia Miles (they really have good stuff to be redeemed), comes in DHL, but the DHL guy has not been able to delivered to us (they left the "you have been missed" note) even though Bui Bui works from home and thus should not have missed any delivery at all.

This morning, I went to work, late. As I hurried going out the door, I spotted the DHL guy. I faster go ask him is the package for us. He said yes. But he said he just buzzed us but it was said that no such person. Apparently he buzzed the wrong unit!!!!!!!!! Instead of 50x, he buzzed 50(x+1). I wanted to faint... gum dou duk?? Of course you missed us for 2 days lah!!!

Canada, you memang boleh loh!!

p/s: hou choi I go work late today jeh!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Summary excerpt: 一棵银杏树,一段人鬼情未了的故事。一个痴情之鬼阿明,前世深刻爱上了孤女阿九,但因为两个家族的火拼,二人生死离译。阿明死后,成孤魂一缕,在一棵银杏树下,深情等待已经转世的前世爱人50年。




看完了,我红着眼睛问Bui Bui, 你也会等我50年吗?你这么笨,肯定我来了你也认不出来,苦苦等待,笨死了!!Bui Bui 说,“我等你100年!就不信等不到!”

中国真的人才济济,太多好演员和好导演了。这电影,是我今年看这么多电影里的 No.1!!!!

而饰演阿九的俞飞鸿,也是首次执导电影,Geng!!! 从准备剧本到完成拍摄,历经了十年的时间。她用《无间道》摄影师、《功夫》剪辑师、《集结号》录音师 、《刺秦》的服装设计师打造钻石级制作群。
