Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Why my Third Husband Will be a Dog"

Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman
I was strolling aimlessly with bui at Chapters few weeks ago, and saw this book. Chapters is a book store that is located just within 200m from my house. In fact, the biggest mall in this city is located within 200m from our house.  hahaha... love it.

Anyway, there are many short entries in this book, and they are so hilariously funny. First of all, who will think of such a title for a book??? and it was on sale, original price was 24.90, on sale for only 6.99. So damn cheap. So I bought.

Turns out there is no single entry about the title!!!! phff... what the... but then, the author Lisa Scottoline is so funny, she described her 1st ex husband as Thing One, and 2nd ex husband as Thing Two. Hahahahhaa... Who will call their husband as "Thing"? I love her writing style:) I finished reading already loh... feel so sad, the fun is over:(

Besides the humourous side, she does have the sentimental part... talk about how as a mom, you feel happy that your child grew up, graduated, and left the city, and yet you feel so sad that they are slowing leaving you from the first second they were born. I am not a mother (yet, haha), but I can sort of relate this feeling from the way my parents expressed their love. Parental love is the most unselfish love on the earth. Yes!

OK... if it gets sold in KL, try to find this book to read. Very very funny, and yet warm. Have I told you she has 3 dogs (or 4??), 2 cats, and some chickens as pet... Yes, you heard me right, chicken.... the way she described her chicken is also damn funny....

I just hope she writes about the title "why my third husband will be a dog". This remains a mystery!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eat healthily

I have a close colleague, he is going to have a heart surgery next Wednesday. He has 9 blockage on his heart arteries.. he is having a high chance of going into stroke if he does not go through surgery soon. The doctor at first wanted to just balloned out his blocked artery. It was in that process that they discovered he has 9 blockage (each is about 70-90% blocked), that they can't just do balooning, they have to do surgery. He was put on priority list, even that, he has to wait for 10 days later only can do the surgery, which will last for 7 hours... I guess it is a big surgery?

I wish he is alright... He is only 54... he didn't even have strength to talk to me on phone. We just rely on text messages to update each other. He is a good man. I hope he will survive this surgery with little or no damage.

I went to visit him at hospital over the weekend with Jay. Seeing he is hooked up with the heart reading equipment, makes me think of my dad again....

Lesson here is, eat healthy food. Do not hari-hari starbucks with 3 packs of sugar and 2 packs of milk. Do not A&W every week even though it is just around the corner downstairs our office.  All these will come back to haunt you when you get older. Guaranteed!

Get well soon my friend!

Friday, August 05, 2011



我知道你已经很努力在撑着等弟弟回来(以生命迹象来看,你其实5天前就可以走的),但是估计你已经知道他已安全抵达吉隆坡国际机场,你不想再撑了?还是你真的撑得很辛苦?我们不得而知,因为你已经在麻醉药的作用下昏迷了好多好多天,插了喉管,即便不昏迷,也不能说话。真的很矛盾,我们也不希望你醒着,深怕你会感觉到疼痛而痛苦。阿觅只要大声地叫你,你就会企图睁开眼睛,不知道是药水的作用还是什么,你的眼白都泛黄的,看得我们都心疼。从出世到那时,从来没有流过这样多的泪水(即便经历过几段现在看回去觉得幼稚的恋情),可再多的泪水也不能换回我那健壮,面带笑容,和什么样阶级的人都可以打成一片的父亲。那段时间,世界似乎都停下脚步,我们每天的生活就是医院,回家换班,再医院,没有其他有意义的事情可以引起我们的注意力。连和bui bui 通电话的时间和力气都没有,也不在乎有没有和他通电话。那段日子真的不堪回首。没有经历过的人不会明白。也不希望有人会经历这样的一段日子。那时每天想的事情就是,希望医院的帕车位能在低层,靠近电梯,这样就能少走几步路可以快点看到爸爸。唉,即便是这样小的希望,也不是天天可以达成。

妈妈每天以泪洗脸,她一直认为你还没有入院在家里休养的时间里,她对你的照顾有欠。她认为她可以做得更好,也希望能亲耳听到你说你没有责怪他。但是你一句话也不能说,你知道她有多想你吗?我们都很想你。人家说时间可以冲淡一切,是骗人的。时间或许可以冲淡失恋的痛苦,但是绝对不能冲淡对家人的思念。多么想再靠在你强壮的肩膀看电视;多么想再看到你在知道我买了你爱吃的东西回来时,你像小孩子童真般的笑容;多么想吃你周日在巴刹买的猪畅粉;多么想再吃到你煮的螃蟹... 你有太多想做但还没有做的事情,你说过还想来上海找我的,然后我们再去北京一趟,你食言!我只能带着你的骨灰再和妈妈去一次北京。妈妈那次很棒耶,她竟然爬上好一大段的长城,连我都不敢相信。我们在长城的一端纪念着你,你知道吗?你晓得吗?你看到吗?你听到吗?



