Sunday, October 22, 2006


这一段日子,是吃大闸蟹的大好日子。9月吃雄的,10月吃雌的。我们吃一对! (right side is female, left side is male. male is always bigger than female) 老公的公司出外旅游的项目之一, 所以我也去了。阳澄湖大闸蟹!!(阳澄湖,1.5 hours drive from Shanghai, quite a nice place)

大闸蟹,此蟹非彼蟹。我们在吉隆坡吃的是海蟹。这个是湖蟹。大闸蟹的脚是毛毛的。活着的时候,还是金毛色的。很恶心。那个钳子,上面黑黑的一块,不要以为是seaweed,是它的毛!!!然后母的更恐怖,那个部位,开了,也是毛毛的,令我想到是我们的那个部位,立刻反胃。(i know i shouldn't... but i can't help it... it really look like our v... arrghhh).

我们承认我们不会欣赏大闸蟹。因为他们都吃得很开心,就我们几个(还有一个日本人,也是吃得很痛苦。哈哈!)吃得一脸的无奈。脚和钳子因为太小了(compare to our butter crab),我们都吃不来。可是他们都吃的津津有味,脚也全干掉。厉害。

我的公司下2星期也会组团曲阳澄湖吃大闸蟹,I think I will say no but thank you to them.

I miss our butter crab back home. Sob...

Some pictures:

where they keep the crab -- the restaurant is on the lake, and they keep the crab behind the restaurant. The crab is caught in the middle of the lake, slightly far from the restaurant..

Actually before the crab-eating sesssion, we went to a small town called 锦溪.quite beatiful. In such a narrow place, can allow 2 boats to pass through at the same time. Amazing eh?


Anonymous said...

hey deisy, is ur post title mean "dai chap hai"?
i'm just guessing...yalor it looks a bit like V... :P

Elizebeth D.L. said...

June, yes, it means dai chap hai~ haha...

I told my colleague here about the crab's there look like V... she scold me.. she said, "oi, you and I also got that part, why you laugh at the poor crab?". I guess she is right... :|

But... it really looks like one!!!

Elizebeth D.L. said...

ichigo.. i did not relate to that until you said so. Hahahhaa... yah wor... could be this reason~

nicknooo said...

My god, full of hair ??? how to eat? disgusting rite...still prefer our local crab, stir fried with curry leaves and chilli padi..yummy !

Actually "crab" in cantonese can also refer to our "there", sounds like it and look like it too.