Monday, October 16, 2006


Flowers are so cheap here. So, I bought a new vase, and I bought flowers last Friday, from an old ah ma near our neighborhood.

Each kuntum is only 80 cents (rmb), can you believe it? So cheap~~

Guess which one is my favorite color?:) Is orange lah of course.. ha!

The night I bought, I purposely put it onto the table, that you can't miss it when you come into the door. But, strangely enough.. my hubby missed it. Man....

If I am not mistaken, this flower is called gabriel.

Flowers in the house is always good, the real flowers.

(i sent the pic to my dad via email. He asked me, "is this artificial flower??")

1 comment:

Lucky Lazy Lynn said...

Yeah, regardless of how broke I am, I'll buy fresh flowers for my apartment. Call me dumb but I actually think they bring me good luck.