Thursday, May 25, 2006



好了,我已经对自己说,今天开始(看我可以忍到几时)我会尽量只往好的地方看,ignore all the ugly side.



Unknown said...

yes babes!! that's the spirit!

hehehehe.. walao.. you all ah.. damn 7 nice right! Fug! why your boss so nice oneeeee...ARRRggGGG

Elizebeth D.L. said...

because our business here is growing, other countries are deteriorating. So we are the no.1!!!!! hohohooho...

aiyah tell u lah, here, business can grow so easily. Just open one new distribution point, then will grow the numbers a bit. So, this year, our aim is open more distribution points~

舞者 said...

Life isn't just full of happiness, talk about whatever you want, regardless of what people want to hear you talk about. That's the spirit of real blogging. Remember, this is YOUR memory land.

舞者 said...

Unless Google (who owns wants to take your land back of course.

Anonymous said...


nicknooo said...

how xian mo ni o......can go so many places, and it's "FREE" some more.