Monday, May 08, 2006




这次回国有很多的启示和收获。原来,我们的国家真的在进步着。老公这次回国也顺道renew passport,原想这回肯定要耗上一个下午,没有想到,现在我们可以用KIOSK renew passport. 耗时3分钟而已,各天下午就可以拿!整个过程轻松,不用排队,还有有礼貌的officer帮我们解答一些疑问(譬如,照片只要一张吗?)我佩服得五体投地。很光荣我们的国家可以进步到这个程度!那杀那,有一点感动。让我思索了许多事情。不过,如果income tax department 可以尽快refund 我们的 tax debit 会更好!哈!

吃了好多东西,回来称了一下,重了1kg. kanasai...

唯一遗憾的是,忘了吃butter crab~~~~~ :(

Another 6 months to keep me all excited again. Sigh... 好啦,明天会更好。。 (安慰一下自己)


舞者 said...

I don't feel Malaysia is any more advanced but it definitely feels great that the people are better to interact with. Upon arriving at the airport in Holland, I was greeted by a ill-templed officer. On the train, I was cursed with some S and F words for no apparent reason. And there was suddenly a lot of cigarette butts on the street. This place sucks.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

Haha, I also feel similar thing. At the airport upon arrival over here, I heard the officer screaming at her lung “要的!” (in a quiet situation ok.. not noisy at all) in replying a simple questions that a traveller was asking ("do we need to fill in this form?"). Suddenly... very homesick.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

by the way, my saddest motion yesterday, is when I was boarding at KLIA, I switched off my malaysian handphone, took out the 017 sim card, and put back the CMCC sim card inside the mobile phone.

The feeling was undescribeable...

舞者 said...

Your sim card analogy is very subtle. My analogy is far less poetic: "by the way, my saddest motion yesterday, is when I was unpacking my underwear, I took off my Malaysian underwear, and put back on my Dutch underwear. The feeling was indescribable."

Elizebeth D.L. said...

You mean your malaysian underwear is different from your dutch underwear???

Got difference needs meh???

舞者 said...

Ok, I admit that was a very cheap joke of mine :)

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think, Deisy. :D


Anyhow, some underwears are square in shape, some are triangular. You should ask your hubby to try both. :D


Anonymous said...

and some are T-shape...

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.