Friday, March 25, 2011

Eye examination

In KL, if I finished my contact lenses and buy another 6 months supplies, I can get free eye examination. Over here, the examination is an extra charge, CAD$75 (cheapest I can find, got one bird store, the bad attitude barbie girl told me they charge $135). What a rip off.

Due to my suspicion that my power has gone up, I have no choice but to have my eye sight check. Don't want to buy 6 months supplies of contact lenses with the wrong power right?

My power has gone up by 25 each side. :( Hate it!!! And I also asked the doctor, "how about the 闪光?" (some more my cantonese so funny, i pronouced as shan-gong instead of sim-gong, the serious looking doc laughed at me some more). He said no, I don't have. I said, I used to have. Then he replied, "well.. sometimes as you aged, it goes away".... -_-"  Blardy hell u... I very old meh??!!! First time in history people say I aged!!! I damn bu-shuang!!!!!!!!!

:( Don't know should I happy for not having the sim-gong, or sad, for gettting rid of it because I "aged"... Yiu!!!!!!


mun said...

Be happy! :) Now I have a bit of "lo fa" already.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

what is the symptom of lo fa?

mun said...

Last time, when I wear my spectacles (I'm short sighted), I can read small words in books held a feet away. Now the words appear to be blur so I have to take off my spectacles to read them. That's s symptom "lo fa" (long sighted) - can't read small words at close range.