Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Was excited about Earth Hour this year, because this is the first year I am actually doing it (last few years, forgot, or was outside makan-ing). When it was at 8pm, I told bui bui I am gonna switch off the light in half an hour time so he had better finished off his work with his laptop soon.

So, at 8.30pm, I lighted up a candle, and switch off all the lights at house. Bui Bui tried to continue his work at his laptop but fail to do so because there just isn't enough light to enable him to see and type. hahaha...

bui bui, "babe... how long this gonna take?"
me:"an hour"
bui:"what?? waht are we gonna do?? can we watch tv?"
me:"I am very mercy at you already to let your laptop still running. No TV"
me"we should face the wall, and think of all the bad things we did to earth and repent"
bui bui" hah??? no need le gua.. it ain't me who build the nuclear plant".

8.45pm... (after looking out the balcony, and seeing lots of people actually did not participate and lights are on as usual")
Bui bui, "how come they lights on? Babe.. let's just forget about it lah... maybe it is not today"
me"the last I checked, it is today!! March 26th er mah"
bui bui "...."
bui bui ".... ok... I think i want to pangsai... since nothing to do...."
me"...." (and he really went bangsai)

bui bui," can we have a living room lights on so I can type?"
me "...."
feeling so discouraged.... i turned on the whole house lights... and  i watched tv.

Our earth hour only executed for 25minutes.But I guess if you are cautious about energy savings in your daily life, then everyday is an earth hour. Right? haha:)


Jennifer said...

The best laugh for my morning. Haha! Sorry, your conversation with your 'bui bui' really funny. Went bangsai! My hubby would do the same given the situation. Haha!

Honestly, you did great, even though for 25 min. It's the thoughts that count. I'm totally guilty. I was in Ipoh that time at my mum's house. Totally forgot about earth hour. Was so keen on watching the 8TV cause I don't get to watch any at home. :P

mun said...

You are right! Earth hour is just to create awareness. So if you are already saving electricity in your daily life, then it is good enough.

mun said...

..oh, I mean very good already.