Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Day 4 - Nyingchi


Tour guide told us the 海拔 of 林芝 is only 2900 meters. I was very happy, thought it is a fun ride again. dim-butt-ji, tour guide told me with a serious face, "it is more difficult than yesterday ok? travelling time is 80% of the whole trip (10 hours bus ride), road is bad. Sun is hot. Be prepared. And, we need to cross over another 5010 meters above sea level - 米拉山口" I was feeling really down that time, missed my easy-life in shanghai so much. I hoped I did not vomit again at that mountain. I saw Eric also a bit panic. This time, he sure tighten up his hat. hahaha..

So, we started the journey at 8am. woke up at 6.30am. No oxygen again in early morning. But luckily I had 点滴 2 nights before,so still feeling OK. (those medicine that we prepared earlier, all uselss one. The money I spent on buying those medicine, is more than the 点滴, aiyoh... just get 点滴 easier lah. Just wished earlier that time got experienced people told me so.)

After 1.5 hour bus ride, we reached the 松赞干布出生地, apparently, 松赞干布 got 2 heads one. Can you see from second picture? So full of mystery...

Continue the journey after took some pictures. 2 hours later, we reached 米拉山口,海拔5010米。Again, take picture. I dizzy again, so just take few pictures, steadily get on the bus. This time, bui bui made sure Eric tighten up his hat. And, NO RUNNING! Everyone was safe this time. No one vomited, no one fainted :) (2 days ago, not just I vomited ok. Other members also got vomit. But since they no one important to me, I lazy to mention). At Mila mountain, there were many 经文 flag. And tour guide told us the local here, after passing by this mountain, love to exclaimed, "cho-la, cho-la", meaning "victory victory".

Can you see the lousy toilet setting?? It costs RMB1 to bang-jiu ok!

Next site, is 中流砥柱. It was said that this big rock is 守护神工尊得姆修炼时的座椅, interesting eh?
After lunch, another dreadful bus ride of 2 hours, we reached 巴松措 lake. This lake is so blueish!!! We were like "are we in heaven?".

We visited an old-tree-palm. It has more than 1000 years old. Geng!

By the time we reached hotel in Nyingchi, it was 10pm again.. Day 4, tired, but yet worth it!


Purple~MushRooM said...

The more i see your pics.. the more i drool over going to Tibet. But i also worry i cannot tahan there. I have weak body. Sure puke and faint.
My hubby also commented.. he says very nice!

Purple~MushRooM said...

Talking about toilet... Seoul has very clean toilets. Of so many airports i have been to, the Incheon airport has the most effective and systematic toilets. I will tell u why when we meet...

Elizebeth D.L. said...

purple - i also have weak body. But, after the dripping, it is all fine. So, don't worry. Don't even bother eating or buying all the medicine you searched from internet, they are all useless. Just have the dripping.