Monday, August 28, 2006


最近,有幸有位朋友路过上海,在我小舍住上几天。她因为长久埋头工作(在北京1个月),从未在北京享受过血拼的美好滋味,来到上海后,疯狂的和我及她的朋友们不分昼夜的血拼。可能有一点夸张,但是,就在前天,我们真的从下午3点(当日温度为37度!)在瑞金一路一直逛到晚上10.30! 两人大包小袋的打的回家,手也疼,脚也麻(虽然已有自知之明脚穿平底鞋)。

昨天,我们晚上去了黄浦江的The Bund,一边聊天,一边观看中山东一路的古老建筑物,很古典,很难想象就在上海有这一块这样有韵味的地段。其实我俩来这里已不是第一次了,但是昨晚不懂为什么特别感觉兴奋,还拍照。哈哈。过后实在太热,我们就去了南京东路逛一逛。第一站,是和平饭店。真的是古色古香。连钟也是古旧的。看得我们好兴奋。后来还看到饭店里面有书店,里面卖了好多上海的历史书,还有postcard。哦,原来中国寄postcard到外地,邮费是5.60!好贵!!我朋友买了6张邮票,1本postcard,不过我想她应该是没有时间寄。时间都用在血拼上,哪有时间写信呢?:)哈!我本来想在那酒店拍个照,但听说这家酒店真的太老旧了,有一些鬼故事传出来,怕怕,所以没有拍。今天来公司查google,才知道那饭店竟然是5星的。里面还有Jazz,下一次可以跟老公来浪漫浪漫一下。哈!

第2站是旗袍店。她看中了几件,也蛮想买的,而且我们的buying signal已经强到不可以再强了,竟然没有人来招呼我们。Lurn Si to the max I tell u...我们就“不勉强”这一班废才,离开这一家店,去到另一家店。





舞者 said...

According to the prevalent theory, spiritual energy only interacts with the chemicals on the negative to produce a ghastly imprint. Your digital camera should be safe, and would not capture any undesirable image. If you're prone to disprove me by citing "The Ring", any expert in this field can tell you that movie is bullshit. What a nonsense it is to be able to crawl out of the TV, by the way.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

I never dare to watch "The Ring", the japanese version, so, I don't know how it crawls out. HAHA!

but anyway, I dundare to take photo in old buildings... u never know;)

Sweeting left this morning. She has a few interesting encounters yesterday ;)

舞者 said...

An interesting encounter can range from (1) meeting a cute guy, to (2) seeing a dead body falling out of the closer. Which type is it?

Elizebeth D.L. said...

she was being "harrassed" by a 算命佬!

I was laughing out loud when she said that guy bugged her, and waited her to come out from another building, and she has to run away (really run, not figuritively speaking) and frantically stopped a cab to get away from that crazy guy.

that 算命佬 said she has 佛缘。

when she asked him to leave her alone, he said, "你扮什么清高!”