Thursday, August 31, 2006

A scene on subway this morning

This morning, as soon as I stepped into the subway, I overheard, 2 carts away (yes, shanghainese can really speak loud), 2 women were arguing.

Woman A: "Why can't you just line up?!"
Woman B: "Which eyes you see I don't line up? And you think this is pasar? Need to line up properly is it?"
Woman A: "Why can't you be rational a bit? Line up!"
Woman B" "You are weird."

Then... a man, 看不过眼, speak up.

Guy: "Can you two just shut up? everyone is listening to your conversation. And you! (he mean woman B), everyone also don't know about you two, but we all think that she has got a point. Why you don't line up and still can act like you were being bullied?"

The guy speaks in a beijing tone.

Woman B: "I don't understand why you northern people discriminate us shanghainese."

I was pretty amazed by how Woman B can turn the argument totally 180 degree around. From herself being wrong in the first place, now she mentioned that people discriminate her because she is shanghainese. gou li!!! Lulu my lawyer friend, you might want to consider hire her to work for you.

I am just totally amazed this morning.

Shanghainese b-i-tch, I salute to you 100%!

(the above conversation, is of course, all in mandarin lah, just I lazy to type.)


Unknown said...

hahahahahaha.. that's quite funny..

yeah you meet people like that all the time yeah ? even in the airport, I scolded 2 china mari women because they try to cut my Q to the counter.. OH MY GAWDDDD

so I said, this is Malaysia, we all Q up for our turn! in mandarin

and they just ignore me and still stand there.. OH MY GAWDDDD

Anonymous said...

A good sign is that at least some of these people do have civil consciousness.

Unknown said...

yeah, that is true, at least there's some one with civil consciousness.. hahaha I think they are inproving

nicknooo said...

You should vedio cam the whole incident (use yr handphone), then post it in your web site, like the hong kong "Bus Incident".

Anonymous said...


Elizebeth D.L. said...

dear japanese anonymous,

can you not use japanese? I cannot understand....

Elizebeth D.L. said...

kai xin, you are damn right. Don't try to argue with them coz they either just ignore you totally (in your case), or they turn even more fierce and people might think you bully them instead (subway incident).

I don't think they are improving lah. please....

Elizebeth D.L. said...

chooi chooi, HK bus incident, you have the link? I am totally unware what is it about.

btw, I am not able to video cam, the subway is damn packed in the morning, there is no room for me to lift up my arm to videocam.

舞者 said...

Miss Sandra White, do come back, we all welcome you, especially bring back some good news about discounted Viagra and Rolex. (Yes I know she's a spam bot.)