Wednesday, August 23, 2006

BIG bully small

Universal Rule:
Big Guys always like to bully small guys.

Big Guys: "I am opening my first store in your lousy land. I don't care. You player each chip in USD$100K for my A&P fund. Player B and C already agreed so. You Player A, so big in the state, can't be saying no right?!"

small guy: "Where got money oh?"

small guy's punya business partner: "so lurn si, I don't want to supply goods to him liao. Ask him go eat banana."

small guy: "let me ask my big big boss first."

One week later...

small guy say to his business partner: "due to political reason, we need to do this business no matter what."

small guy's punya business partner: "even that means not profitable? are you crazy?!"

small guy: "let's have dinner... we talk about this more."

After dinner...

small guy call the Big Guy: "our big boss will talk to your big boss, decision lies on their hand."

It is indeed quite interesting to see this happening everywhere. China, U.S., Malaysia... all the same game and rules.

Big Guy will open its store no matter what the small guys or the small guy's punya partner think or do, OK? Decision is made based on political reason, which I am very puzzled what do they mean by that. HA!:)


舞者 said...

All this is very vague. If you use real names, will you be sued?

Elizebeth D.L. said...

Better not.. perhaps after November, I will tell u who is that big guy:)

(it is supposed to be a secret for their 1st store opening in shanghai)