Tiu. I finally realized I don't have any hobby. I don't have any hobby?? I don't have any hobby!!!!
How ah? Like nothing will get me flare up like that. Dunno since when. I think all my interests stopped gaining momentum when I started my MBA class few years ago. All the weekends were spent on finishing assignments, going library to renew books (they only allow each students to borrow for 3 days back then), scratching the head to cut down on words or write more to fulfil the requirements, talking with classmates on the phone just to calm myself down "eh you finished assignment 1 already?" "no ah?" "great. let's get back to work. YOu don't do so fast yah... btw, what did you write for points number 2 ah?" etc etc (those were nightmare days). Then in the middle of this hardcore time, I met my husband, my weekend becomes even more precious - either afternoon go pak toh a bit, then come home at night do homework until 3am. Or bring assingments to office and frantically spend half a day busily looking for reference points to support my argument from internet source. Or totally don't see him if assignment was due the following Monday. Now thinking back, I wondered how I pulled through those hard time. And I wonder how our relationship started, and stabilized in those years.
Wait a minute, I don't even have a "stable" hobby before & after I got my MBA cert. How can it be? HOW?!!!
I feel so depressed suddenly... I don't have a hobby. I don't have a hobby?? I don't have a hobby!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hobby. Hobby? Hobby!
今早6点就起床了。替老公弄好早餐,然后依依不舍的目送他出门搭飞机去吉隆坡,开始他的4天3夜的会议。虽然只是分隔几天,可心里就是不好受-- 明早就没人比我早起去开厕所的暖风机。。。 平时都是他先起床刷牙,到我的时候,暖风机已经把厕所的空气给打暖了,水也开热了。
已经好想念他了。Sigh........ 哦,这几天也不用回家煮饭了。哈!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Training Schedule, or China Tour?
My 6th sense is right. Below is the training schedule I might have to fulfill all in March! (given by my reporting manager)
March 13 - 上海
March 15 - 沈阳
March 17 - 北京
March 20 - 郑州
March 22 - 大连
March 24 - 济南
March 25 - 青岛
March 27 - 武汉
March 29 - 成都
March 31 - 昆明
April 5 - 广州
Now... my only savior is the big big boss. If he says no budget to send me to all cities in March, I will celebrate~~~~~
This is too much!!! How to cope? My skin how? Sure crack... how? sure got black-head, then headache, then sorethroat, then flu, then I have to see doctor in hospital, then then then.. all the bad things are appearing in my head... I don't feel well suddenly.. pengsan.
I am only a weak woman... sob... big big boss is coming back to office later today, must start praying now..
A "warm" dinner
Yesterday morning, boss emailed and asked me and the other colleague to stay back 1 hour today, coz the agency can only reach our office at 6pm to discuss some video shooting we want to do. So I emailed Jay and told him I will be home around 7.30pm, and dinner will be served later tonight, probably 8.,15pm. After all, I only need 15 to 20 minutes to get home from office.
The meeting, including a trial session of shooting the video, including also the minor editing of the video, ends at 8.30pm!!!!!!!! I was hungry, unexpected, and worry so much about my Jay. With his big big body, he sure hungry and consume 1 whole packet of Danone cookies by now.
Called him, he said no worry, u come back lah, we will cook maggie mee. I told him no maggie mee on weekdays, house rule #2. (house rule #1 is, wife is the king. muahahaha).
Quickly took the bus home, 9.00pm (stupid bus, didn't know it comes so slow in non-peak hour). Opened the door, feel the kitchen is very warm, and got rice smell... My hubby has finished the cooking!!! He cooked minced meat with toufu, and popcorn chicken. No vege. haha...
Though the taste is not the best, it is the best meal I have ever had -- very touched by his initiative. And he did the washing too!! :)
Perhaps I should have late meeting more often? ;)
Sunday, February 26, 2006
P day
Today I feel very bored at work. Looking at the catalogue that has been done and need to call back the agency to tell him some color proof thingy is not done correctly, training handbook that has been created, and the website promo page CE that needs to be signed and faxed over to mindshare... fucking bored...
Got a feeling will have to go for business trip soon, perhaps first stop is Beijing. Don't know is it getting old already or what, used to love business trip in my old job. I would get so excited, and planned for my own little trip last time in my previous job. Still remember first night arrived at Vietnam - Hochiminh city that time, after checked in to hotel, I immediately came out to explore the city - took their boot boot motocar as taxi and asked him to bring me to shopping street, some more the driver saw me so cute, offered to bring me drink their ichiban vietnamese coffe, I said yes right away, without realizing it was an extremely dangerous act. Thank God he is a very sincere person, only bring me to drink coffee and nothing more. Hahhaa.. and the coffee was really ichiban!!! Also remembered my first trip to Philippines Makati city, after checked into hotel, I walked straight to the big shopping mall next to the hotel, and shop until they closed shop. Bought 3 pairs of shoes!!! Haha.. oh I miss those days. Travelling alone and not fear the feeling of lonesome. Somemore enjoy staying at hotel.
Don't know since when, all these excitement feeling was lost. I no longer feel excited about my business trip, first trip to Beijing some more. Why??? WHY????
Sigh... Aging..... is................. inevitable.........................
Looking at the BB training handbook now, I feel my head is extremely heavy liao. Who would be interested to look at this handbook? some more I have to use this handbook to train the people in that city... Have you heard of a training course, the trainer herself feel it is too much? ... I seriously think she should cut down the material inside this training handbook... if not sure no one will listen. The FP is good, it is short & crisp, right to the point, of courese lah, I did the FP training handbook one. hahaha... and HW training book I have not seen, I hope it is short and straight to the point too... .........
Today the office air like very stuffy like that... I cannot breath lah~~~~~~~~ someome must be secretly smoking near my area, the cigarette smell is very heavy. How come my passport is not here yet? Today it should be couried to me together with working visa. Why the video guy must come in at 6pm today to discuss the recording? He no family ah? Why work so late and make us stay back until 7pm? He very busy meh? Can't come in earlier? It is only 3pm now.. help~~~~~~ @#$%!
Hate Monday! Hate P day! @#$%!#@!
真无聊~~~ 就像我问他“如果你喜爱的烧肉和我掉进海里,你第一个救谁?”大家请不要笑,他爱吃烧肉的程度,即有可能右手先捉住烧肉,左手才救我。哈哈。。。
Friday, February 24, 2006
刚和妹妹email chat,她问我我还缺什么要她买再要我老公下礼拜去吉隆坡开会带回来。突然很想念我的抱枕。唉。。。 我老公肯定不肯把我的抱枕带回来。那么长,又不可塞进行礼箱里。。。 唉。。。
中国的中国人为什么不抱抱枕睡觉?我走遍了商场,大大小小,没有人卖。还还我一个眼神-- 你有病啊?小孩的抱枕就有,要吗?Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, 任你挑。
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
昨天电视节目介绍龙猫和竹猫。好可爱的。By the way, 龙猫和竹猫都是一种鼠,会认识主人身上的气味。此龙猫非漫画里的龙猫ok? 竹猫则脾气较爆躁,会要对方或打架。
City Planning
That day over lunch, my colleague made a comment: "our city planning sucks. Why can't we be like Hong Kong." I almost chocked eating the ramen hearing a dissatisfied shanghainese complaining about their government's city planning effort.
To me, Shanghai, although is a city that is severly lacked of 人文素质 (don't want to repeat the spitting and cutting-q incidents again, sigh), but their city planning is far more advance than in Malaysia!! Over here, they have subway stopping at all the populated area, bus that never lets you wait for more than 10 minutes, taxi that never said "No" to your destination, or open lion mouth asking for RMB30 for a 3km drive (it is only RMB10 for first 3km), etc etc. Compare to Malaysia, we don't spit on the road, we occationally cut q, under abnormal circumstances, but we have the lousy subway destination choice, bus that's never on time, and taxi system that drives the drivers to no choice but go crazy or open lion mouth whenever possible. Also, here they don't suddenly one big sunny day sunshine on your head without the wig, and you suddenly have hot idea to build a highway that is 2km away from 百姓 house, nor do they suddenly faat-din and build a toll right outside your house, hoping you go crazy and move out, or guai guai pay them until your cucu also give birth, or adjust traffic light timing, perhaps synchronize to his mood that day, which totally mess up and does not make sense to change light every 5 seconds (no, green lights 5 seconds, then red lights 3 minutes) out of some days, and when you gave up and thinks this is the end of the day and you had better live with it, they change it back to normal frequency, etc etc etc.
I miss Malaysia punya nasi lemak, hokkien mee, rojak, banmee, and all the great great food, but I seriously don't miss the city planning.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A woman who can talk non-stop!
I really beh tahan her. I feel like screaming at her face loud loud this morning. But yet, I have to put on a fake smile and talk to her. This is so 认辱偷生!!
She is one of the staff working here. I really cannot tahan her. SHe always think she is a mom to a kid already and thus know the toy business very well, and the fact that she works here long enough so her experience is the best and thus all of our suggestions are crap. And because she is a mom, and most of us workinig with her is not, she thinks we are idiot when it comes to toys. And the most I cannot tahan her is, when she is telling you why your suggestion is a crap, she can keep on talking non-stop for more than 1 minute, and her sentence is without break, comma, full stop, just non-stop!!! this really drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!
I really pity her husband! Imagine when they argue... he sure lost, or gone crazy half way.
Celaka betul!
Monday, February 20, 2006
#15 电缆公交车
老公的按脚师傅告诉他,我们家去我公司有一辆直通的公交车(#15号电缆公交车),就在我家下面的巴士车站上车,然后在我公司的对面下车, point to point, hassle free。我昨天就从地铁站走去公司的路上一面的走,一面的加已留意。还真地给我看到好几辆的#15号公交车,还是走电缆的。回家的路上也留意。。。
今天早上,犹疑了整10分钟,我就鼓起勇气,走去那巴士车站等#15号。战战兢兢的。祈祷着有人跟我一起上车,让我看一看是怎么付钱法。果真有3个人和我一起上车。好开心!! hee hee...安全上车后,我就祈祷有人跟我一块儿下车,好让我看一看怎么样按铃。原来巴士每一站都会停的。太好了。哦,而且我还有位置坐!Haa Haa...票价也很便宜,才一元。
安全下车后,no sweat, no swear, 越过马路到公司门口。看一看手表,整个路程从等车到到达目的地才用了少过15分钟的时间。最开心最开心的是,此举可以大大的减少踩到路人的痰的风险!!!!!!!!This is the most priceless outcome!!!! 实在是太高兴了!!! Haa Haa...
Sunday, February 19, 2006
其实昨天他也没有犯什么天大的错,可我就是气不顺,总决得娘家太远了,对我太不公平。:( 可怜的他,受尽了我昨晚的折磨,希望他永远都这么的没脾气,这么的让我。hee-hee...
2月18号,星期六早上,我们俩睡眼松松的喝着咖啡,看着窗外,just like usual, sipping the coffee and testing the temperature outside with our fingers on the windows.. 突然间,老公惊叫:“Honey, 下雪了!!”其实我们都在大学时期看过无数次的雪,可还是掩饰不了兴奋。老公还拿相机录了40秒的雪景,胡乱地说了一些话,这样的举动维持了5分钟,我们又若无其事的开电视看新闻。谁也没有说要乘下雪出去走走。毕竟我们都知道这雪是下不长的,没多久马路就会和肮脏,而我们如果这时候出去,很有可能因为看不清楚路面,而踩到别人的痰。是的,我们是很在意这事儿-别人的痰。老恶心。
Thursday, February 16, 2006
A Barbie who dropped her handphone onto the subway train-track
My good fren, asked me to put this event on my blog, which happened in the morning when I come to work. He said he is gonna make a comment after I did that. hahaa... it had better be a good one.
This morning, while I was reading newspaper waiting for the every-2-min-come-once subway train, suddenly, a very sharp english word came out from a barbie face (Barbie, because she is blond, tall, and looks quite got 气质, well, at least before she screamed the word) - "SHIT!!!", and followed by a sound something hitting the track "piak~". Her handphone dropped onto the subway train-track.
2 guards at the subway, run to her to stop her to do anything stupid - like climbing down to the track to pick up the phone, because the train is reaching in 32 seconds. Then I heard 1 guard gun-cheongly speaking on his walkie talkie in some alien shanghainese language "jili gulu jili gulu". I believe (using my own interpretation with his tone, and some single words I can understand) he is saying to the head office, "Stop the next train after this. Stop the next train after this. Some lady dropped her handphone onto the track". I was so glad I stepped onto the last on-time train. The next train sure gonna be late for at least 5-10 minutes. Haha!
Then I wondered... if an old ah-ma dropped her handphone onto the track, would that guard do the same? Hmm....
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
2 long-distance phone calls
I have a friend, in Dallas. Today, he gave me a call, just to test the software (VOIP) that he just bought/downloaded (I forgot did he pay for it or he just got it free). Haha.. anyway, it was a great feeling to receive long-d call from friends. And he verified my earlier question - the nice sports car he showed at his blog is the company car that his company prepared for him!!!!! @#$%! OK lah.. Mr.T I sincerely wish you will meet your Ms. Right in Dallas. If you come back empty handed, I will laugh at you mockingly - because people who drive this kinda sports car have no excuse to live without any gf!!!!! (yes, all my single gf, please give attention. hahaha..)
We talked about 20,000 people 示威in front of the 丹麦领事馆 at KL because of some carton (mocking the Allah) made by a danish in Denmark; then we talked about the closure of MRR2 because of the instability of the road condition (got cracks) and because of this, the S.V. should really resign and take his wig and go back to his kampong (haha... the 'wig' part is the one I suddenly think of and put here one. hahahahaha...); then we talked about who has he called so far to test this software. And he made a conclusion that there is absolutely no way for a guy to call another guy, which I don't agree with him. Anyway, this is like back to old time, we just talked rubbish, the only difference is, last time we talked rubbish in mamak store. Now we no choice, talked rubbish over a not-so-excellance VOIP phone. HAHA.
I also received an international phone call, from my good fren, whose baby is due next month. She said she does not know want to continue or not after that. I thought she's talking about her job. But no, she is talking about her marriage!!! Sigh... I hope this is just her mood swing because of pregnancy, everything should back to fine after baby is out. If not, very cialat... but anyway, only she knows which decision is correct. I only hope whatever decision she made, she will feel 幸福。
2 international phone calls... 2 different kind of feelings...
Monday, February 13, 2006
February 14th
On the way to office this morning, there were so many young boys & girls at different corner of the walking path, distributing red-roses to all the ladies, sponsored by 太平洋百货. 我闪过了第一朵. Murmuring - "what the ... stop shoving the roses to me, u dirty hand"... but as I was walking & did some thinking, I actually think this gesture by the departmental store, be it to create the 气氛 or just want to do some marketing activities is very sweet. So, as I was walking, I took the red roses offered by a guy. (Haha... partly because the first red rose is offered by a lady that's why I rejected, and the second red rose I took is offered by a guy. ahhahaa). It was quite a sweet feeling and I took a slower pace to office today, compared to many other days (partly also because today's weather is very warm, not cold at all. haha)
Then my husband is very bad, when I told him about this 2 red roses, he asked me does it mean he no need to get my any roses today since I already have 2? @#$%!!! I will punish him later tonight. muahahaha...
Then today office has a new colleague on board, is a very young boy. He offered each of the female colleague each with a big rose!!! Very sweet gesture. 收买人心。Haha...
But then.. later on, I got pissed by an email sent by someone in the office in Malaysia. THat girl, so LCLY, sent email asked for something from me, when she should know I am not the right person to ask from. Someone CC some other big people, like want to tell people she did her work already, and if the work is not completed, it is because of me. Bloody hell... so angry at her tikus email. (I said tikus, because if she has the guts, she should send the email to the right person).
THen lunch, all of the female colleagues went to have McD. hahaha... quite happy actually, all the girls eating burger together, and talked about 面相,手相。。And I got to know that office got a corner they called 死角 because whatever plant moved to that area, they all will die in a week. Very cheah~ hehehe...
Then I found the MP3 I have been searching for many months (actually, never really look for it, just today suddenly feel I must have it today no matter waht). It was 林俊杰的“会有那么一天”。 I always feel like crying whenever I heard this song from the radio in Malaysia.. very touched. and I told my good frens in Malaysia via email that I wish this song will be played on my funeral, hopefully is around 80 when I finished all the enjoyable stuff on earth. Hehehe... I have been thinking too much..
So.. I guess today is a mixed feeling in total - happy with red roses, touched by a song, had a great lunch even though is only McD, and pissed by a LCLY "person" in Malaysia office... HAHA!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
也有好多人在拍照。公园有好多抽象画,什么“pinky tiger"啦。。。 还有好多好多第一眼看上去根本就看不懂是什么东西。
老恶心!! 讨厌。
celaka betul.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Today, Shanghai is full of sunshine, and temperature has risen by 5 degree celcius compare to yesterday!!!! I felt so happy when I found out this from weather forecast yesterday. So this morning, I took out 1 new clothes to wear, and also wearing my new shoes I bought from WenZhou, and also put on a new scarf, with a pair of jeans. By the way, I am wearing much newer stuff and feeling more happier than CNY time. So there I go, I went to work with a big smile on my face :)
The photo I attached is from my good fren in Malaysia, recently she went to Thailand and did all the climbings and sight-seeing with her lover, and took this sun-rising picture. I love it so much. So, I hope she does not mind, I am putting this picture on my blog.
Conclusion is... I miss the warm sun so much... so much so that I forgot how does it feel to sweat under hot sun again. Summer ah summer, please come quickly.........
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
When is this kinda 警员揽权incident gonna be stopped??
Monday, February 06, 2006
Place to hold photos
I asked my sister how to put up my photos onto website this morning. I suddenly feel I am very out-dated. 7 years ago, I never need to ask this kinda stupid question. I always know how to do this kinda thing on my own.
She tell me about the Flickr. And how to use Paint to reduce the BMP size to small jpg size. I suddenly feel my sister has grown up a lot. haha..
So, here's the link to the photos I recently took at some southern parts of China. Enjoy:)
Thursday, February 02, 2006
06 CNY 之旅 -- 惊叹与赞叹
1)高速公路上的公厕- 我已经告诉自己说这里是中国,别怀有那么高的期望。可是真的是没有字眼可以清楚的形容这里面发生的事。只有3个字:“太可怕!”公厕里面至少有20格吧。可是要上的人我想有将近200人。外面的人强硬的挤进去,里面上完的人死命的往外推。这比我想象中的还要恐怖多1百20万5千81倍!真的是确确实实的cultural shock。我好不容易上完了厕所,(我已忘了是怎么挨过去的,更不想去想起那个过程),心情却久久不能恢复平静。为什么?为什么他们就不能排队呢???!!!为什么他们一定要推呢?为什么他们要3个人用一格呢?又不关门呢?为什么?为什么??!!
2)我的团队有24人。只有3人(我,我老公,还有一个叔叔)有行李。其他的21人,我和老公一直没有办法理解,他们这4天是怎么换衣服?内裤?难不成内裤就放在handbag里面??第3天,我们的结论是,他们真的没有打算换衣服。因为他们都穿同样的衣服!!!!oh my god~~~~~~
3) 原来上海人是很self-centered的。我以前跟过无数次的马来西亚团队到国外旅游,我们都很友善,有说有笑的过每一天。还会拍团体照留恋。这里?他们都没跟同行的讲太多话。太奇怪了。都自己顾自己。自私又不友善。更不用说派团体照了。哎。。。
一线天洞 - 据说不管是肥人还是瘦人都可穿过去的。这洞是有灵性的。
四溪姐妹桥 - 这建桥的技术真不得了,每一根柱子都有它的用处,不多也不少。也没用钉子。溪东桥(姐姐桥),建于明隆庆4年(1570)。此桥造型之使用,耐力,以及其造型之美,已被公认为:“最具科学,历史,艺术和欣赏价值的古廊桥。有“世界桥梁之典型”的称号。北涧桥(妹妹桥),亦称下桥,距上桥(姐姐桥)仅0.5公里。始建于康熙13年(1675年)。桥头有2棵千年古嶂,树下有古居民一片,形成桥,树,水,屋互相衬托,相交辉映,美不胜收。故被专家誉为“世界最美的桥”。我自问没什么对桥的研究与兴趣,但看一看它们旁边的现代桥梁,竟然经不起洪水/台风的吹袭而毁去(据说,台风来袭时,这两栋桥梁竟然还屹立不倒),不禁要赞叹古人建桥技术之伟大。