Thursday, July 07, 2011

gum dou duk??

Have been quite stress for past two days because the item that I redeemed on Asia Miles (they really have good stuff to be redeemed), comes in DHL, but the DHL guy has not been able to delivered to us (they left the "you have been missed" note) even though Bui Bui works from home and thus should not have missed any delivery at all.

This morning, I went to work, late. As I hurried going out the door, I spotted the DHL guy. I faster go ask him is the package for us. He said yes. But he said he just buzzed us but it was said that no such person. Apparently he buzzed the wrong unit!!!!!!!!! Instead of 50x, he buzzed 50(x+1). I wanted to faint... gum dou duk?? Of course you missed us for 2 days lah!!!

Canada, you memang boleh loh!!

p/s: hou choi I go work late today jeh!

1 comment:

mun said...

Your post reminded me of the time in UK when I was waiting for a parcel so I was looking out the window waiting for the courier van. Then I saw the man dropping the package into my neighbour's house. I called the courier company, sure enough it was my package so I had to write a note to my neighbour and asked them to pass me the package when they reach home.