Thursday, June 21, 2007

MAS website

MAS - once again, you disappointed me. WTF is this "error" message?? aiyoh-eh!


Anonymous said...

biasa la...what else is new with Mas. i heard from lynn that air asia will fly into melb. but don't know how true izzit... i seriously don't mind giving it a try if it does have KL-Melb-KL route.

i'm still very angry with the checkin bitch - Zaiton. she can just go fug the aeroplane.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

Haha.. june, i still remember you said she evily placed you in between the 5 seaters. And u were travelling alone. Tak ada otak pinya!

Sigh... when can we feel proud about our dear MAS??

Purple~MushRooM said...

Let's hope that your flight tomorrow will be on time ya...