Thursday, September 27, 2007


This is me this week.... :s Yucks.. So busy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And yay!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine how I will feel next week:>
Happy Holiday to all the china malaysian folks. (yes, I am very discriminative one. Hah!)


Eileen said...

Wakakka... I also wanna rant. Damn it, so tiu lar me, my new FEMALE, INDIAN boss in SINGAPORE... Get all the 3 things in caplocks!??!?! is so breathing down my neck!!! Not helping, and only pushing. Just sit there and talk cock only. F.*.C.K!!!! !@#$@%#$&$%^@#$%@#% I feel better de..

TGIF!!! One stressful week gonna end. Thank God!!!

Purple~MushRooM said...

Heheheh... my blogging will be taking a break. Hahaha.... Hohoho... so happy!

Unknown said...

Why got holiday there? Why me here no holiday at all? Aiyooo... really in different world lor.

zewt said...

yes yes yes... one week off... we all jealous la.

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays! Enjoy your one week break!