Sunday, September 09, 2007

Rest in Peace

Luciano Pavarotti dies at 71, Sept 6th. 5 days after my grandma passed away. Yes, my grandma passed away recently. Not very closed, but still shed some tears over this fact.

Speaking of Pavarotti, he is a well-known tenor. I love his songs. He divorced his first wife after he got really famous, and fall in love at his secretary. I really dispise this kinda man, but since he is Pavarotti, ok lah. Just kesian his first wife, after sun-sun fu-fu follow her hubby when he was not yet famous, and then after he got famous, divorced.

Lately also feel heartache of what Princess Diana goes through in her marriage life. Because of 10th year anniversary, Discovery Channel got show this documented film, of what Diana went through in her marriage life. The conclusion of the documented show is, she loves Prince Wales, but Wales got anotehr woman, and so she simply fall in love at other men.

Just feel sad. These famous & wealthy people, they either can't get true love, or they get many lovers.

Sometimes I think think, don't know will bui bui fall in love at other women if he become millionaire one day?? I know I won't change heart if I am millionaire, but will bui bui stay still?? u know lah, some women can seduce millionair guys easily one. Hey, am not judging Pavarotti's secretary or what-so-ever, just my own thought.

To men readers, can you promise you will love your current gf or wife forever, even when u one day turn into a millionaire and you have a young, sexy, beautiful and most probably more understanding (compared to your wife or gf) secretary? Think clearly before you answer... :)


Purple~MushRooM said...

I just spoke to my hubby about this over the weekend. After reading your post, I sms him again and tell him that i am very sad.

I have been through many hard times with him and next time when he is rich, he will dump me for another younger woman. The woman gets to enjoy the fruits. This may or may not happen, but still, I need to prepared for it just in case it happens.

So sad. It's common. Heard many of these stories.

Anonymous said...

Hard to say, but even if I love another woman when I becomes a millionaire, I also won't dump my wife. She still be the most loved one.
But this is just a dream cos no woman will allow man to have other women than her. So, I guess better don't let me get rich lo...

Elizebeth D.L. said...

purple mushroom - why we always think the same thing? When I was watching Pavarotty news, i gave bui bui a hard punch, i said see you man, once turned rich, KKJ will itchy and find other women.

:( We wish our hubby earns lots of money, but at the same time, also scared rich men ass will turn itchy eh?

Jam -- at least you are honest. See? proven again men can't stay loyal after rich~~~ sob.

Eileen said...

Moral of the story, dun let ur hubby get rich or control all ur hubby's money? I dunno lar... I guess even gals are hard to stay loyal nowadays... a lot of guys will second me on that too... Sad to say... loyalty is hard to find nowadays... sometimes open one eye, close one eye or play it smart....

Unknown said...

Hi, 1st time comment here. For my opinion or from my observation, yes, majority men will change once they become rich. To me, I believe I won't change if I get rich, I'm not those cannot live without woman that kind of person. I cannot say I won't change because I dunno what will happen in my future too, I just live with my own principle of life.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

Hi Kenny,

I bet Pavarotti also tells his wife "I won't change lah. Don't be silly. I love you." while she was washing his underwear with bare hands.

Sorry Mr. Pav, just in my imagination. No offence ok. Peace.

(p/s: although u first time comment, but I've heard about you;))

Anonymous said...

For man, sex comes before emotions - I am a man. If I ever become a millionaire, I would have achieved certain status ie. money, authority, respect. But sex desire is as strong as before [I simply imagine that would be the case!]. At that time, if wife doesn't understand this, very unlikely I will keep the strong desire to myself.

So, for girls out there - When your husband makes loads of money; don't just spend time shopping, child minding and nagging, but beware sex desire of your man is as strong as before.

Tip - Whenever you seduce without success, over a period of time, there is considerable risk of him getting it satisfied elsewhere, including but not limited to finding another woman.

zewt said...

before that... perhaps you should ask yourself... do you want your bui bui to be a millionaire? are you asking him to make his millions?

Purple~MushRooM said...

Anonymous.. your comment made men look so small.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

zewt - you did not answer the question leh...

I don't mind bui bui be millionaire, but I know it comes with cost. I always see mansion houses in tropicana area look so "empty, quiet, and cold". Like there's no one inside it. Probably busy ying-chao outside? I don't know...

And anonymous - I get your conclusion - rich men kkj needs more satisfaction. Ha~ which might be true. How many rich men current wife is their first wife??

Even bill clinton was not loyal for once.

Anonymous said...

Let's try a vote:

How many men can actually tell just anything to your wife and you are damn confident that she's open to listening and try to understand?

I'm a man too. Sometimes, too many women think that men keep mistresses just because of sex. You'll be surprise that some men who actually have mistresses seldom or never had sex with them. They JUST want to feel important and respected, which is not what they are getting at home. I know a lot of people don't agree, even some newly married man. That's why it's better for me the quote where I got my point from. You may find out more from "The Friendship Factor", "For Women Only", "His Needs, Her Needs" and "Love and Respect". I know, women may say that respect is earned but not given, I think that's why men chose to give their love where respect and admiration is given to them unconditionally.

It's always a vicious cycle when we fight to say who should be the stronger one to give in while hurting, when the relationship faces challenges. Sometimes I feel we even need to pray to the Lord to strengthen us when we feel that there's no more humanly wisdom to carry us through the rough waters when we see no hope ahead.

We all need to grow. Nothing happens just out of a sudden. It's just an outburst of long hidden pain that has longed to be soothed. I bet you that if you allow your husband to express freely to you as you would allow yourself to express before them, they will still be yours when they're billionaires. We sometimes don't speak out just because we want to avoid getting into arguments.

From someone who's still learning,
A humble servant before God

Elizebeth D.L. said...


Your explanation so chim (deep).

I think you are partly right, but also, I think when you realized both of you cannot talk freely about everything, that's when something wrong already emerged. Could be too late to express anything by then.

Anonymous said...

A man marries a woman, hoping that she won't change, she does. A woman marries a man, hoping that he will change, he doesn't. For all ladies who's out there looking forward to getting married, please know that if you want to change him, do it before marriage. If he can't change, you'll have to accept it. Don't think that "let me get married first, then I'll have sooooooo many years ahead of us for me to make a Ferrari out of a Beetle". If you want a Ferrari, get one. A lot of women will find themselves the chairlady of "husband improvement committee" in their house. How we know? It's even mentioned in the books.

Men, read your books. You don't know everything under the sun. Pretending to be too smart is going to cost you something that will take you a lifetime to pay off.

I'm a man too.