Sunday, September 16, 2007


Just come back from Xi An. It was a unique trip, believe it or not, I finally got a bit interested at China's history dated as back as Qin Dynasty. I was a "translator" to my friend in this trip, because her chinese level was pretty low. Hahaha... there was one incident I trying to explain to her the tomb of Qin's Emperor until now is not "digged out" because got 水银和重重机关。I turned to Bui Bui after several attempt to explained what is 水银 called in English, luckily bui bui knows it was called Mercury. Haha.. I was translating it as "light color poisonous liquid that is very heavy... u know... silver color one??" My fren gave me the blurrest expression she has ever got. HAHAHA..

Will upload photos later after I clear my MANY emails in inbox.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

haha maybe you can translate chinese to Shanghainese instead :P Wakakaka.... You stay too long in Shanghai liao.... o oh....