Sunday, March 05, 2006



昨天,听到很小声的“滴滴”声,他妈的,果然又是脸盆下面漏水。吃饱饭后,我就跟我老公投诉:“Honey,你知道我们都是华人,很在意这种漏水的事情的。钱都漏光啦!!!!!!!”我讲的时候,是越讲越生气,他为了息事宁人,赶紧拨了电话给屋主。yi yi o o 讲了十分钟,才告诉我:“他要星期四才可以来修。”我又一肚子火了,:“为什么星期四?明天不可以吗?他想怎么样?拖拖拉拉!!”老公喝着茶,有气没力的说:“他说他刚动了眼睛手术。”我顿了一下,问:“什么时候的事情?”“昨天。”我惊讶得看着我老公,:“你为什么不早说?叫他多休息吧,下礼拜才来修也可以的呀。”老公竟然说:“我怕你不高兴,硬要他星期四来修。已讲好了。你要改,你自己告诉他吧。”真是的。。。我老公,有时候真的是不分轻重,不过他把我放第一位,我倒是很高兴。哈。哦,我们的屋主已是六十多岁的老先生了。这个眼睛手术应该是不简单的。

我就再拿起电话拨给屋主,跟他讲这个礼拜多休息吧,修水的事,下礼拜再说吧。他听了好像蛮感动的,说“好的,谢谢你啊。” 老公不解的看着我,然后语重心长地说:“想不到我的老婆还真的挺有良心的。哈哈。”我也沾沾自喜的回说:“那当然咯。。 hehe.."

今天早上大便的时候没事做,看着那滴下来的水把地面给弄湿,听着那恼人的“滴滴”声,又有点后悔昨天的好心。。。 唉!


Anonymous said...

Well, actually I know how your husband feels. Does he have a blog? I think we may have some common experiance.

Women think that the whole world should think like them. Like they want to get the thing fixed asap then again they assume everyone knows that delaying it due to eye surgery is ok. Well who knows, if they ever had a quarrel with the old man before the surgery without our notice, they may say,"Good, I want him to come over now and let's finish him off. Why you never asked me first and make decision on your own?"

So sometimes I asked myself, do I want to be "right", or do I want to have some time to rest?

A lot of time, just feel like saying,"you're absolutely right, and I'm absolutely wrong. Could we just hug and forget about the whole thing? I just want to sleep as we need to work tomorrow."

Luckily now with a toddler, things are better as my wife also runs out of energy now.

Conclusion: If you have a wife like that, get a baby. :)


Elizebeth D.L. said...

Ah Teow, my hubby has no blog. He does not even have time to read my blog. So I can say whatever I want to say in my blog, since he won't have time to read through. Haha...

Baby is another problem, how can you think it could solve the problem?;) hehehe.. (guess I am not ready for baby yet. HAHA)

舞者 said...

In my case, it's probably easier, because Jieyin would have fixed it herself...

Anonymous said...

And old house with a dripping sink.

Sounds like one of those scarry japanese movies ...

舞者 said...

Oh yes, throw in a mirror, and the setting will be perfect.