I came back last night. Plane was delayed, yes, again, for 2 hours. I only had 4 trips so far, but I have experienced plane delayed for 3 times liao. China airport, is it that busy or not? They kept saying is because of busy air traffic, so cannot take off. Oh, mind u, 2 out of the 3 delay incidents, we were already sitting on the plane, so no choice, can only 干等。
After 1 hour sitting on the plane with no 动静, some cipet uncle started to scream – 派饭吧!都几点了?!that time was 8pm. Then, the lady sitting next to me, probably younger than me and she worked for AC Nielson ok… (why I know? Coz she turned on her laptop frantically doing her ppt about yoghurt and using AC Nielson spreadsheet to come up with chart for analysis. Can’t blame me, sitting on plane waiting to take off is the most bored thing on earth, I can only let my eyes wander around), she also screaming the same phrase, “派饭啦!都几点了?!”She finally took out her bread from her bag and eat, and shut up. Just as soon as she doing so, the plane taking off quietly, no announcement was made, just take off like that. Sigh.. dinner was served, and cheena cipet uncle like never eat dinner long long time liao, finished his meal in 3 minutes. I am not exaggerating. I have not opened the 饭盒, he already finished his meal. Amazing.
By the way, I don’t really care they served the meal late, coz I already ate at the airport. Smart move eh?;)
After finished meal, the guy sitting at diagonal angle from me (at aisle seat), opened his laptop, IBM thinkpad. I thought he was some great entrepreneur guy or what, coz he was wearing a hat, quite sporty like that. But unexpected, I was wrong!!!! I don’t know who he is, but he definitely is nothing great. He turned on his laptop to frantically reply email (I think all are forwarded email, coz no attachment, and the TO list is pretty long, and does not seem very corporate look kinda email), the seat was very crammed, so he cannot lay his laptop properly on the table even though it is IBM thinkpad. So he sitting sideway (aisle), and laptop was practically blocking the small walkway. (mind you, china air plane very small!!!! The seat was so giamsiap, like want to squeeze everyone in that small air craft). The air stewardess and air steward when passing by, they all have to “gut hei” their butt to avoid messing with his screen. By the time the flight wanted to land, the guy still refuse to turn off the laptop, regardless how many kind reminders from the air stewardess. At the end, they have no choice, one of the air stewardess go and tell him to shut it off, then stand beside him and stare at his screen, until he turned it off. What a thick face cheena ah beng. Sigh sigh sigh.
Then plane finally reached Hong Qiao airport at Shanghai. 200 cipet cheena people got off the plane, run to the taxi waiting area, and of course no need to say, without lining up in 1 line, they “lined up” to get taxi home. The woman behind me, kept 贴得很近,very rude. Then the uncle supposed behind me, cutting the que, and some more kept smoking and I was almost choking to death. Not only I have to let him cut que because he got big body and his face like a murderer or some cipet ah beng’s dad, I have to suffer from his low-price cigarette, I know sure is cheap cigarette because the smell damn choking. Then the lady behind me, in her 20’s, quite pretty, also face thick thick, cut que!!!!! Can you guys believe it? Sigh…...
So, that was my great encounters during the return trip from Guangzhou. I wonder when can china people really can take orders, and can que up in 1 line, without touching other’s people body for standing near, and be polite. When? 20 years? 30 years? 50 years?!!!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Airflight/Airport Encounter
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I was like bloody hell. Just now you face black black said don't have anything for me, now blame me for not putting your stuff in?
Really fucking bitchily makahai!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Chicken Little
I watched Chicken Little last weekend. Damn funny. I laughed like no body business (partly is to release stress), especially the part where the pig tries to input the dollar note into the vending machine to take out a coke at the critical moment. Hahahaha... it made me think of the time at 1 U or KLIA airport, the stupid machine kept resisting my dollar note and I have to really flatten the wrinkled part with my hand because I have no other dollar note except RM50 in my wallet. Although the time was not as critical as the chicken little facing alien moment, but, the stress on the pig's face is as close as mine.. Hahaha... damn funny...:)Did not know U.S. consumer also face this kinda frustration?:p HA!
Side track a bit, China petrol also went up, from RMB 4.28/L to RMB 4.49/L in Shanghai, and a bti different in other states but all went up. No one make complaint, I think because the 21 cent increase is merely just 5% increase, as opposed to our country's earlier 20%+ increase on petrol. Poor Malaysian~~~~~
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
这或者有一点out-dated,不过我真的昨天才有机会看到这一部3个月前红的电影。当然,是pirated DVD 啦!哈!
情节是有一点老套,典型的香港搞笑片,无聊的笑话但还是可以接受的。印象最深刻的,除了成功丑化那个女演员,还有就是在篇末出现的那几行字。“世上最遗憾的爱情,不是你在他面前爱她而她却不知道,而是你们相爱但却不能在一起。”好感动。还没来得及掉泪,谢廷峰和那只马的对话却让我啼笑皆非。妈的,不会给观众多一点时间感动。celaka betul.
大家好,我又“复活”了。哈哈!告诉你,这几天,我生不如死。每天回到家好像一个死尸似的,累得不得了。从来就没有试过面对60+人从早到晚说话,更不用说是给3各不同品牌培训。Makahai... 第一次的时候,我还流汗呢!(想一想,冬天流汗是很不容易的)后来几场逐渐得好很多。明天再要我面对100人做培训也没问题!哈哈!下礼拜还要去广州,再来去武汉和成都。(已经去了北京和沈阳--那时也是觉得生不如死)。老板也很有人性化的,我每一次回公司,他都会很心疼地问:“辛苦你啦!”我也觉得很不好意思。哈!
我已约好我的好友晓慧5月去北京玩,老公说他走不开,所以。。。 哈哈。北京很宽很大,马路宽得可以停放一辆飞机,这是预防打仗期间国家的首都可以第一时间有军队部署。很厉害很有远见。Ichiban.还有建筑物都很宏伟。在taxi里面经过故宫至少4次,很遗憾,这一次没有机会参观。Sigh... 我潜意识的在“偷想”皇上和皇后和妃子在这皇宫里面的日子。。。有泪也有欢乐吧!另外发现到北京人很爱国,他们都会聚在国旗周围,等着国旗下降,他们每一天都升旗降旗的,每一天都有很多人围着看,这是出租司机更我们说的。Amazing. I don't even remember our 国歌。北京我们去“全聚得”吃北京烤鸭。yum yum. haha... 沈阳我们的distributor带我们去一个大得像皇宫似的地方,叫“皇室绿洲”,25分钟的车程从市区到一个鸟不生蛋的地方吃东北菜,很好吃!哈哈!yum yum... 哦!原来沈阳很多不正当的按摩地方,到处都是。不可以给老公来沈阳。哈哈!
出差最闷的地方是等飞机,及在飞机上的时候。这次,从沈阳飞回到上海的时候,沈阳起了大风,这是我第一次在飞机上,飞机还在轨道上滑行要起飞的时候晃得最厉害的一次,之后的2小时飞行也是晃得不得了,好吓人。我的脑海在盘算着,如果我真的不测死掉了,我老公肯定很伤心。妈妈爸爸也很伤心。我也会很伤心,因为还没有当妈妈。。还没有当婆婆。。还没有当祖母。。可是如果我死了,将会有一笔钱-- 保险的。不知道我妈妈会不会找到我放在马来西亚书橱里面的insurance policy,如果找不到,怎么claim啊?想着这一些乱七八糟的东西,飞机就也摇晃地降落了。安全抵达浦东机场。
下次回家一定要告诉妈妈我的insurance policy放在哪里。不然白白死掉多不值得。
choi choi choi...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I am not sure how relevant is this article to those staying in Malaysia (I guess I lost track on how to think like a malaysian??), but this is the best article I have read this year so far, and I respect that cab driver very much. I think he could be the best Economics or Finance lecturer, speaking about opportunity cost and marginal return. Enjoy reading it folks~
From a forwarded email from a shanghainese colleague in my office:
“千万不能被客户拉了满街跑。而是通过选择停车的地点,时间,和客户,主动地决定你要去的地方。”我非常惊讶,这听上去很有意思。“有人说做出租车司机是靠运气吃饭的职业。我以为不是。你要站在客户的位置上,从客户的角度去思考。”这句话听上去很专业,有点象很多商业管理培训老师说的“put yourself into others' shoes.”
“很多司机都抱怨,生意不好做啊,油价又涨了啊,都从别人身上找原因。我说,你永远从别人身上找原因,你永远不能提高。从自己身上找找看,问题出在哪里。”这话听起来好熟,好像是“如果你不能改变世界,就改变你自己”,或者Steven Corvey的“影响圈和关注圈”的翻版。“有一次,在南丹路一个人拦车,去田林。后来又有一次,一个人在南丹路拦车,还是去田林。我就问了,怎么你们从南丹路出来的人,很多都是去田林呢?人家说,在南丹路有一个公共汽车总站,我们都是坐公共汽车从浦东到这里,然后搭车去田林的。我恍然大悟。比如你看我们开过的这条路,没有写字楼,没有酒店,什么都没有,只有公共汽车站,站在这里拦车的多半都是刚下公共汽车的,再选择一条最短路经打车。在这里拦车的客户通常不会高于15元。”
“有一次一个人打车去火车站,问怎么走。他说这么这么走。我说慢,上高架,再这么这么走。他说,这就绕远了。我说,没关系,你经常走你有经验,你那么走50块,你按我的走法,等里程表50块了,我就翻表。你只给50快就好了,多的算我的。按你说的那么走要50分钟,我带你这么走只要25分钟。最后,按我的路走,多走了4公里,快了25分钟,我只收了50块。乘客很高兴,省了10元钱左右。这4公里对我来说就是1块多钱的油钱。我相当于用1元多钱买了 25分钟。我刚才说了,我一小时的成本34.5块,我多合算啊!”
“要懂得体味工作带给你的美。堵在人民广场的时候,很多司机抱怨,又堵车了!真是倒霉。千万不要这样,用心体会一下这个城市的美,外面有很多漂亮的女孩子经过,非常现代的高楼大厦,虽然买不起,但是却可以用欣赏的眼光去享受。开车去机场,看着两边的绿色,冬天是白色的,多美啊。再看看里程表,100 多了,就
MAKAHAI, I am so stressed out today!!!
Tomorrow not only i have to face 60 over people to give training, and I don't know the fucking location, and the giamsiap company kept insisting me to take the subway to reach that bloody place, kept telling me subway is better.
@#$#%%!!! Subway has at least 10 exits, I really worried if I can find the right exit.
F BB, F FP, F HW!!!!!! Fuck all the brands!!!! They expect me to give all 3 brands trainings. MAKAHAI!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
另外一次,那男的也是惨兮兮的告诉我,他会等我的,等到永远。“I will always be right here” 这是他说的。我还沾沾自喜,想到我永远会有一个人等我,那感觉真的很好。也是屁啊!2个月后,他发断信给我说他6个月后会结婚,如果我有空,请赏脸。当时我也是有一点气,感觉又被骗了。
Nothing is forever. 没有人会等你一辈子的。更不可能叫一个窝囊的男人爱你一辈子,对吧?:)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Jay picked it up from the airport after his business trip from KL. I haven't got a name for her. Hehe...
Finally, my 抱枕!!!!I was screaming when Jay took it out from his luggage. Because he already told me very nicely over the phone he can't bring it back the night before, it was too big. At that time I was a bit disappointed, but I accepted the fact. Now I am hugging it, the happiness is without word can describe!
I was similing to sleep that very same night:) 在我怀抱的是3个月不见的抱枕先生.haha.. However, Jay apparently also like baozhen very much. He kept on fighting for it with me. So irirtating~~~~
I still win in the past 2 consecutive nights!:) Haha!
Monday, March 06, 2006
HSBC vs Citibank
2 of my many credit cards are Citibank, and HSBC. I am not gonna talk about others today because I want to make a direct comparison about the services offered by these 2 giant bank.
I owned Citibank since 2000, almost can say right after I graduated from UBC. (actually my first card in Malaysia was Hong Leong Bank). I have to say their redemption program used to be superior than others, until few years ago, other banks actually improved tremendously while this Citibank still LCLY, shaking butt and think they are still the dai-ah-goh. Every year I will call to cancel the card when annual fees is about to due (I still cannot understand why credit cards in Malaysia cannot be like those in Canada, where they beg you to have credit cards, and don't even talk about annual fees). However, every year after I faxed through the cancellation requestion form, they will call me 1 week after that to ask me to stay with them, and annual fees will be waived. So I thought "what the heck, I will stay 1 more year to see if you guys improve your customer service or not". So, after doing this for few years, I called them in 2004, and tell them "look, I am gonna cancel my card if you don't waive the annual fees. And since after I faxed through the cancellation form, you will beg me to stay with you, can you just skip this process, save your time and my time, and waive my annual fees right now?" The LCLY officer replied, "No ma'am, you have to pay the annual fees." So I do the same thing again - cancel, fax, and then received thei call with sweet lady's voice, "please stay with us.. we have a promotion going on, your fees will be waived". So sick of them. But because of curiousity and no harm and no cost to stay 1 more year. I stayed with them until now.
HSBC on the other hand, I only become their member 1 year ago. Annual fee is dued in March. So I called them, asked them, can they waive my annual fees? The officer, politely, straight away checked the system, checked my payment history, spending pattern, and right away answered, "ma'am, I will waive for you right now as you are our valued customer. Good payment history and high spending pattern" (because last year buy a lot of stuff before wedding time. haha). I was quite impressed with his authority, not like the tikus citibank officer, and respect his 果断. So I also applied 2 other supplementary cards for my parents and make up my mind I will not stay with Citibank anymore. Hah! But still curiousity knocked on my door again. So, I called up Citibank again, since my card is due in March too.
Me: "I would like to check, is my annual fee due this month?"
Officer:" yes."
Me: "since I am with Citibank so many years, do you think I can have the annual fee waived?"
Officer: "afraid not ma'am"
Me: "... fine. then fax me the cancellation request form please. thanks"
I tell myself, even they call me and ask me to stay with them again, I am gonna asnwer "stop wasting my time and please see how HSBC treat their loyal customer".
Even a local bank like Hong Leong Bank is doing better than Citibank in customer service part!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
昨天,听到很小声的“滴滴”声,他妈的,果然又是脸盆下面漏水。吃饱饭后,我就跟我老公投诉:“Honey,你知道我们都是华人,很在意这种漏水的事情的。钱都漏光啦!!!!!!!”我讲的时候,是越讲越生气,他为了息事宁人,赶紧拨了电话给屋主。yi yi o o 讲了十分钟,才告诉我:“他要星期四才可以来修。”我又一肚子火了,:“为什么星期四?明天不可以吗?他想怎么样?拖拖拉拉!!”老公喝着茶,有气没力的说:“他说他刚动了眼睛手术。”我顿了一下,问:“什么时候的事情?”“昨天。”我惊讶得看着我老公,:“你为什么不早说?叫他多休息吧,下礼拜才来修也可以的呀。”老公竟然说:“我怕你不高兴,硬要他星期四来修。已讲好了。你要改,你自己告诉他吧。”真是的。。。我老公,有时候真的是不分轻重,不过他把我放第一位,我倒是很高兴。哈。哦,我们的屋主已是六十多岁的老先生了。这个眼睛手术应该是不简单的。
我就再拿起电话拨给屋主,跟他讲这个礼拜多休息吧,修水的事,下礼拜再说吧。他听了好像蛮感动的,说“好的,谢谢你啊。” 老公不解的看着我,然后语重心长地说:“想不到我的老婆还真的挺有良心的。哈哈。”我也沾沾自喜的回说:“那当然咯。。 hehe.."
今天早上大便的时候没事做,看着那滴下来的水把地面给弄湿,听着那恼人的“滴滴”声,又有点后悔昨天的好心。。。 唉!
Friday, March 03, 2006
... (dunno what to put as title neh..)
I cannot believe I only got time for my blog until now, at 5.23pm. So busy today.. phew, I am so glad tomorrow is saturday. By the way, today I came to work at 7.45am, have to do a product demo video recording for our products, 3 of us in the team. So tired even each of us only speaking for 1.5 hours. The worst part is, have to assemble and dissemble the products... sweating man~~~
Oh, today temperature hits 15 degree!!!! Yahoooooo... I am gonna take my slow walk to home later, before that, of course stop at the shopping mall first... hehehe... ;)
And I am gonna get Brokeback Mountain DVD tonight from the uncle's store near my house. I haven't bought it before today because i don't know the chinese is called what. Last night I heard a man asking for 断背山 from him,must be this lah... hahahahaa... yes!!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Bus, too, can have menstrual period.
I swear... when temperature hits 15 degree celcius, I am not gonna take that stupid slow shaking butt #15 bus anymore. I would rather walk to office and risk stepping on ah pek's spit.
Bloody hell, made me waited for 15 minutes this morning.
p/s: lulu, the title was borrowed from the 灵感 of your "men,too, have menstrual period" blog's entry ;)