Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
祝你生日快乐 ~
祝你生日快乐 ~
祝你生日快乐 ~~~~~
祝你生日快乐 ~!!!
Ai Mi, Wish you have a great birthday!!! With lots of muacks!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Cultural Shock... again
I always find "amazing" scene on subway. Sometimes I can laugh it off, sometimes my eyes nearly popped out, sometimes i was pissed.
Today, I saw a woman, quite big breast (but not extremely big, how to say leh... u won't say WOW if you see her breast size, but you also won't say it is small, that kinda size), she was making her way to the subway exit door (today, very crowded, don't know why), and I saw with my own eyes that she doesn't care and use her breast to brush through the crowd, and her breast was really brushing through of a man's back!! No shy, no embarrasement, she just did that!!
My eyes nearly popped out.
The man doesn't seem to mind (who will mind???). The girl doesn't seem embarassed.
So, guys, do you want to come to Shanghai for this? "FOC" service oh~~~ :-)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I realized the locals here, is indeed very "stupid".
They went on leave, came back, checking email, and without looking through the whole inbox, started replying email. Asking you questions that have already been answered in subsequent emails and some more dare to cc big boss, want to look as if they are very hardworking after coming back from holiday.
tiu nia sing.... for goodness sake, browse through the whole inbox, use the "sort" function by "subject", and read every single reply, you DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I replied by attaching the email that I replied earlier, "please see attached email on this matter that has already been solved. Btw, the email was cc to you too", also cc big boss, to that person. He sure dulan, but I don't bloody care.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Holiday can be addictive...
I kept thinking about my next targetted china city - chengdu's 九寨沟!! Oh... My... my... my...
And the typhoon outside now makes me angry at the local government, why no holiday for typhoon one? Taiwan today already holiday liao loh because of typhoon...
I need another holiday!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Day 1: 东线一日游
印象最深刻的是:蒋介石被抓时藏身的洞穴(骊山),了解了西安事变的整个过程,还有为什么后来他要软禁张学良,it all makes sense now!
然后就去了秦始皇陵。了解了这个在位短短几十年的暴王/君主,过的是什么怕死的生活。其实我想他后来应该也不怕死,这么多宝藏和妃子、骏马跟他一起陪葬。他的陵墓,至今也没有被挖掘,因为探测仪探测到下面水银、机关重重,至今还没有technology可以破解(这个市导游说的,I doubt so).
先拜始皇后拜兵 -- 之后就到兵马俑参观。真是一幅令人观为叹止的场面。秦始皇真的很怕寂寞... 我很佩服做兵马俑的师傅,手工真的很厉害,连胡子、头发、鞋底的纹路,都刻得清清楚楚。 在这里,据说每个佣的脸部表情、样子都是不一样的,每个展馆、每个佣、每件兵器、甚至那些佣的每个姿势都有着属于自己的故事和历史痕迹。Oh by the way, 秦俑好像都有留胡子的。这点很man. 哈哈。
我还在那里买了一本书,因为当时兵马俑的发现人杨培彦也在场,让他给签了一个名。呵呵。你们知道他当时挖出来的4件兵马俑,博物馆给了他多少钱吗?10 元4件!有一点剥削哦~
过后去了华清池。你们知道为什么杨贵妃那么爱泡浴吗?she can spend whole day bathing! 因为她有狐臭。但是有趣的事,唐太宗有鼻炎,其实他是嗅不到的。哈!真有趣。 我们晚上还到了回明街吃小吃。很多muslim, wear tudong some more. 小吃很便宜,都是1元卖的。酸梅汤、凉粉、镜糕、馅饼、饺子,都很不错哦。没有想到西安里还有这么一条街。很有“味道”。
Day 2: 西线一日游
茂陵-里面有很多座墓 - 有汉武帝陵、他最爱的李夫人,霍去病陵墓,卫青。有趣的是,还有一个风水先生的陵墓也在里面,而且,他敢敢死把最好的灵位(风水)留给自己,第二好的才留给汉武帝。真是莫名其妙的人。里面有一个马踏匈奴石雕,很有意思。这一些土丘,都是某人的陵墓。
说起“裤带面”,真得很好吃哦,宽得像根裤带,类似我们的板面。还有另一种面,叫biang biang 面。那个字,康熙字典有的,但是现代的字典都没有,笔划很多,很难写的。我拍了一张这个字的照片。来源是当时围在一起吃饭的所有人的姓。很有趣。哈哈。
“无字碑” - “无字碑”上当初为何“一字不铭”?后人对此猜测甚多,概括起来有三种说法:一是说武则天留有遗言:“己之功过,留待后人评说”,因而一字不铭;二是说武则天“德高望重,无法可书,留后人评”,因而一字不铭;三是说武则天死后,唐中宗李显难定其称谓(如褒扬武则天,刻上“大周天册金轮圣神皇帝”,作为李唐子孙感情上不情愿;如贬斥其刻上“则天大圣皇后”,而武则天又明明做过16年的“大周”皇帝),左右为难,干脆“一字不铭”。 This is so interesting.
陪葬的六十一蕃臣,左右个六十一个,体现了大唐强盛的国力。唐高宗驾崩后,各国首领前来参加葬礼,武则天命人将他们的形象永久地定格成这一尊尊雕像,分立在司马道两侧。可惜现在蕃臣们的头颅已被悉数削去,只能通过背后刻着的名字辨认他们的身份了。 至于为什么没有头,导游讲解的时候我分神了,没听见。。回来百度也没有找着。
这是乾陵的另一个方向拍的。叫双乳峰。像不像一个女人的双乳?:)Bui Bui 死要做这个咸涩动作,aiyoh-eh~ :p
With this we end our 2 days Xi An trip:) This is a picture of 3 of us.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Just come back from Xi An. It was a unique trip, believe it or not, I finally got a bit interested at China's history dated as back as Qin Dynasty. I was a "translator" to my friend in this trip, because her chinese level was pretty low. Hahaha... there was one incident I trying to explain to her the tomb of Qin's Emperor until now is not "digged out" because got 水银和重重机关。I turned to Bui Bui after several attempt to explained what is 水银 called in English, luckily bui bui knows it was called Mercury. Haha.. I was translating it as "light color poisonous liquid that is very heavy... u know... silver color one??" My fren gave me the blurrest expression she has ever got. HAHAHA..
Will upload photos later after I clear my MANY emails in inbox.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Moon Cake
We received mooncakes or mooncake vouchers from office (yes to all staff), agency, and suppliers lately.
All moon cake package share the same characteristics. BOX very big and very nice!!!!
This is we bought one. I love its strawberry flavour.
This is from Bui Bui's business partner, the traditional look, and in steel box:
This one from my another agent, looks like very cheena feel with all the butterflies and flowers and the English-feeling pink color. (what kinda mix is this?) Oh, the box very nice quality. Hard one. Paper bag also same set.
Then the most canggih one, from bui bui's office, to every staff. So nice. It is worth 288 per unit oh~ Box very big, very quality feel:
Open, inside is like that. Oh, the open-edge there, is magnetic some more!
Below the moon cake, is these 2 colorful boxes, they are cakes! wow...
I don't like mooncake without egg yolk inside. So, all those green bean flavor, dou-yong flavor and mut cha cha flavor, how huh? How to finish eating?
Time to call friends to come to our house for Moon Cake party liao! Hehehe..
(looking at the photos, then only realized the table is really in a mess!)