Monday, July 17, 2006

Surprise! Surprise! MAS

Remember last time the MAS customer service line can ring and ring and ring but no one pick up and speak to you?

Remember last time we want to book ticket online at MAS but the internet speed was so slow and can't go through to the next page?

Remember how awful is the "email" experience, where your email sent to them but never got feedback even though it says "For enquiries on bookings, please call our 24-hour Call Centre or email / contact your nearest Malaysia Airlines office."

Today, I really take a chance to call them for a ticket booking, I only waited for less than 2 minutes and my call was layan. Although not by a very sweet voice girl, but her professionalism is way beyond my expectation already.

Then later on, I sent an email to them, asking them about ticket pick up question. I got a reply within half an hour time.

All in all, i just want to say I am extremely impressed by the improved services they have. Got a kind of 受宠若惊的感觉。

Never expect my phone call will get layan-ed.
Never expect my email will get an answer.
Never expect I am mentioning good stuff about MAS!

If they keep this kinda service level and attitude, I am sure the stock prices will get better and better in the near future. So, should I buy their share during my trip back this round?? Hmm...


舞者 said...

Yes, help support MAS so that the stewardesses can continue enjoying the luxury of top 5-star hotels; and so that the managers can earn RM7526 per day. Malaysia boleh, and you boleh.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

They are "learning", give them some time.

The managers earn that much over there doing that kinda service???! ....... @#$%! MKH!

舞者 said...

MAS has been there since 1947. Should we say by 2020, it would be the world's top airline?

vincentwoo said...

they terpaksa layan you lar.. coz they are making losses while SIA is announcing record profits.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.