Friday, July 14, 2006


Recently, I realized I am "localized" in some way. I tell you why I feel so.

In my handbag, I have:
- wallet, of course.
- handphone
- housekey
- subway card
- tissue
- lunch box (due to hot weather now, I brought lunch just like most shanghainese to work to avoid going out in the afternoon).
- newspaper
- a 扇子 that I buy from the downstairs old popo stall, to keep me cool air when I am walking under such weather.

Can you notice a few si-nai stuff that only cheena people will carry?? especially the lunch box and 扇子!!

Back in Malaysia, my handbag, I have:
- some bank statement that i need to settle,
- wallet, handphone (of course)
- CD (lend to people, or copy some photos from the camera and burnt into CD to bring home)
- lipstick
- name card
- car key
- mostly forgot to bring tissue
- no housekey, it is in the car
- and definitely no 扇子!!

Oh my God.. I must remind myself I cannot be like that. I CANNOT BE LIKE THAT!!!

WHolly sh*T!


angela said...

shit man! this is bad. u must FASTER throw out all the stuff from your bag and re-malaysianise yourself b4 its too late!
if not, soon u will be wearing those ankle-high stockings with your heels!
or asking for "fa piao" when u come back & go to mamak stall!
and the mamak boss will be like : wot de fuck?!?!

nicknooo said...

Yes, it's true, angmos loves chinese food. When I was in Boston, chinese food stall that always crowded with angmos, queing up for the "chap fan", and I can tell you, the "chap fan" there is "yuck !!", but they loves it ! still, Malaysian cuisine are the best (so used to it liau).

angela said...

but u see ah june, in *ahem* *da fcuked up country*, bring your lunch is NOT about saving money because the food outside is c.h.e.a.p. for our standards.
i think apart from not wnating to withstand the freakin' heat on da city, deisy is SO S.I.C.K of the local food lor...
(and since KX cannot cook even if her life depended on it, i still think she can make better food than what they are selling out there!!!)

Unknown said...


Ei Angela.. harlo, incase you do not, I had tried some cooking my self.. Eh hm.. ot as good as you of course but I think I am good at cooking vegi.. muahhhaa

Deisy .. OHH MYY GAWDD you actually have a "Paper Fan" <-- this is for June who can't read the mandarin word hahahahahahha.... Yeahman I agree with Angela .. please throw that away and get a electric fan (those small one) instead...

Anonymous said...

ya lor.... sis, i also start worrying you...

when i mention the Mega Sales that we always crazy about it.... i said it starts from 24 July - 3rd Sep in M'sia, do you feel excited and happy since you might here when mega sales starts, but you feel not excited at all,.... so scary.... :|

my sis doesn't like shopping anymore??!!.... and you told me you just hunt for "flat" shoes now???!!!!....


Anonymous said...

It is a No No to leave house keys in car. Coz the crime rate is quite high, if someone broke into a car, they can curi CD player, blar..blar.. & house key (of coz their can take whole car too). If accidentally left any bills or letters with home address, the next thing their will broke into is the house (unless one changes all the locks after relieasing house keys are gone).

Elizebeth D.L. said...

Angela, I cannot help burst into laughter in the office right now, my boss will think I gone crazy on Monday morning. HAHAHAHA... especially the angkle-high stockings, I was just poinitng out to my hubby over the weekend when we went out, I pointed a young girl, wearing angkle high stockings to him, and ask him what does he think about that. He replied me, "SO UGLY!!! Why they do that huh??? in summer time with this stocking???" I returned him with a :| look. hHAHAHA..

Yah, food here is cheap, but it is really not nice to even walk for 3 minutes outside the AC building just for lunch in a summer day with 38 degree celcius, sometimes hit 40 degree too!!....

Today I did not bring lunch, I will order in... (searching for that order-in-brochure now... f***, where did I put it!!)

And about the "paper fan", I still need it til the weather drops to below 32 degree... HAHAHAHA... :p they don't sell the electronic one here kai xin. Perhaps I should hunt for one in Malaysia.

angela said...

deisy, i think the best solution to ALL your troubles : MOVE BACK HERE! ahahhahahha

angela said...

hey june, i thought lemon chicken and honey chicken are like GOOD dishes, no?
* i think the chap fan over at your place is BETTER than the shit they sell in da #(#_)(%_# country !!!