Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So different

I noticed there's a different way of expressing things over here. An example is, money.

How do you call "1400" in Malaysia? I will just say it as "thousand four". We all understand it equals to $1400, right?

I had experienced at bank before, I deposite $1200 cash in $100 notes, the teller asked me how much I am  depositing, I said, "thousand two". The teller doesn't seem convinced, he said, "twelve hundred u mean?". I said yes. But I cannot help to feel strange... why he behave like that.

Finally, I discovered the mystery. My colleague told me if you say thousand two, they will think of "$1002". I am like "what???". My colleage said you should say "twelve hundred". Ohhh.....

But of course, if it is $2000, then it is "two thousand". Not "twenty hundred". haha.

Sigh... so different lah... and in China, 300,000 they called it 三十万. For me, I called it 三百千. Whenever they say "万", I have to stop and covert it into 十千/百千 in my head... needless to say 一个亿, that, I have to stop and tell myself it means 100 million . (in writing this, I have to verify if it means 100 million by googling how many zero does yi has. )

So different!


mom said...


limpeh said...

haha..interesting! no wonder they dun say thousand two....and the chinese dun say 30,000 as 三十千, but most of Malaysian chinese do. I think we are too much influenced by our dialect ...

Elizebeth D.L. said...

but isn't 三十千 more direct than 三万?三十,in 1千, means 30, in 1000 = 30,000. So direct and so easy.

But speaking of which, 万 does have such unit in our normal 个十百千万十万百万千万一亿(why no 万万?) haha...

Elizebeth D.L. said...

I still can't laughing at my own discovery "1万万”=1亿. hhaaahahahaa...


Shit, this phrase is going to stuck with me for the rest of the day.... :s

Elizebeth D.L. said...

I know why 30千 makes so much sense to me。 Imagine if you write a cheque of 30,000, you will write it as thirty thousand, right? See see? guai lou also think 30千 is easier to express leh:p

limpeh said...

yes you are right, it is more direct, but the chinese created 万 (0000) and 亿 (00,000,000) which ang mo dun have. they still said 10 thousand and 100 million. i think this is the beauty of chinese language...isn't it

limpeh said...

yes 1亿= 1万万...but 万万 carries another meaning like, 万万不可 I guess they drop it ...and replaced with 亿。。。哈哈

Elizebeth D.L. said...

and maybe because "万岁万岁万万岁”, therefore, the huangdi forbid 万万 as a 单位! hahaha...