Monday, March 12, 2012

The Grey

We watched this movie at home last night.

It is about a plane crashes in Alaska, seven oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step. At the end, everyone mampus - eaten by wolves.

When it was 死剩 one last man, after he failed to save his last mate at the river, that man shouted at the sky (at Jesus more correctly), to ask Him to show him a sign! To save him! But nothing happens. And after all the effort of survival, long walk along the river hoping to reach a village, that last man, actually wander into the wolves den instead. It was such a sad ending. More like 命运弄人. Imagine, after you put in all your effort, walk until feet also feels numb and pain, you reached your enemy home!! What a joke.

This movie further reinforces my believe now - There's no God. If there is God, He won't let all these happens, survived from plane crash and eaten by wolves? Come on! If there is a God, He won't let Tsunami happened and killed so many people, and even worse, those survived, is now facing the threats of radioactive for the next 30 years. What a 命运弄人. By the way, it was an anniversary for them, March 11th 2011 was the begining of their nightmare. More 矛盾, I was reading 南京大屠杀 lately... so, if there is God, would He allowed those 350,000 chinese people died in just that 6 weeks?? In such cruel way?

Do you still believe there's Jesus up there??


mom said...


Elizebeth D.L. said...

you recovered because you went for 针灸 lah~~~

Anyway, I cannot understand. So I chose not to think about it. And hate when people try to talk how great He is. Very 反感.

mom said...


limpeh said...

sigh...really 好人不一定有好报!not sure whether He is protecting good people, but I believe in real life, we got to accept the facts that we need to deal with everything (OURSELVES) that comes to us, be it good or bad. I believe there is afterlife 来世, otherwise how to explain how come good people sometimes have bad ending ( like the man in the movie, and many many good man in the world). in Buddhism, 因果报应,业力explain this in details

mun said...

What a sad movie. Don't think I want to watch it now.