Sunday, May 25, 2008


I have a nightmare. And it woke me up at 7am this morning. (i normally only wake up at 7.45am, with the alarm clock ringing on and off for like 5 times since 7.15am)

It goes like this:

I received an email (i dunno who sent lah, it's in a dream ok), the email text is asking me, if I would like to donate a container of medical supply to those people in wenchuan (earthquake zone).

I replied, "what's the price of a container?"

the email, replied, "10900 renminbi".

For some reason, in real life, I always cannot differentiate 万,and ten thousands. In English, 10,000 is ten thousand. But in Chinese, it's called "yi-wan" (一万). Imagine, how to switch my mindset huh? one is 1, one is 10. But they meant the same figure. wah lau.

To make the story short, I thought it was just 1,900 renminbi per container. So, I replied, "ok, i can donate 1 container."

Later on, I realized it is 10,900 renminbi. It is 10.9K RMB!!! WAHhhhhhhh...

Damn scary, 10K leh!!! I thought 1K!! wah.....

Sweating, inside the dream, I was thinking to ask my good friend Ms A. to share half with me. hahaha...

OK lah, if I have a lot of money, I don't mind lah. But to me, 10,000 is still a lot to me, it's like 3 airtickets back to KL leh, back & forth some more. It's a lot of money.

p/s: death toll has risen to over 60,000 people. Very sad.
p/s: this is the first nightmare i had that is related to money...


Purple~MushRooM said...

Yeah.. very sad. 60,000 people dead. More to come.

I am able to differentiate 一万。But I cannot differentiate 100 million。 Sounds like a billion to me in Chinese. Hahaha!

Elizebeth D.L. said...

btw the Miss A. is you! So, are you going to share the 10K with me if it happens in real life huh? :P