Thursday, January 17, 2008

Clock is ticking

Clock is ticking... sooner or later, we have to make "that" decision.

Some days, I say to myself, it's a vibrant city here. I should love it and give it second chance.

Some days, I look at the ugly smelly stupid lack-of-gah-gao shanghainese, I say to myself, "tiu nia sing, I must be blind to be even considering living here longer. @#$%!"

Some days, I say to myself, look.. the city is changing again. Look at the spider-web design subway. Look at the inflation here, look at the luxurious life that some men able to live and yet some men are so poor they don't even have bread to keep their stomach warm. Look at this city!

Some days, I will say to myself, "this fucking city is so cold in winter and so hot in summer. tiu nia sing. and they call the fucking air-cond as heater. SLAP THEM!"

And some days, I asked bui, "u want to let go the status u have here? can't guarantee u will get it back in other place oh... your boss loves u, your staff loves u, u seh-duk meh?"

Clock is ticking... still got time to think. But one thing is for sure, I hate shanghainese still. Call me discriminating or what not... and if u want to "bark" at my this statement, please leave at once. No one force you to read.



Shopaholicfern said...

sleep on rush in making a big decision :-)
good things will someday end..wat's most important is that u've enjoyed the stay in SH and learnt a great deal from it :-)
i'm sure u're a wiser and matured gal now as compared to when u first step foot in SH.
To stay on or not, depends on what u want out of life...listen to ur heart :-)

Unknown said...

hold your feeling on Elizebeth, (since after so long you still have this feeling...)until the day you really need to make a decision, i believe the right decision will come naturally.