Friday, February 18, 2011


Lately have been bong chan itu itune buy some songs. One of the old songs I bought is 林俊杰《会有那么一天》. The lyrics is so beautifully sang... and without fail, everytime I listen to this song, my eyes will wet with tears at the end.

一九四三 世界大战 阿嬷年轻的时候
爷爷爱他那么多 他们感情很深 但是爷爷
身负重任 就在离乡的那夜给了阿嬷一个吻
轻声说到 我要离去 别再哭泣 不要伤心
请你相信我 要等待 我的爱 陪你永不离开
因为会有那么一天 我们牵着手在草原
听鸟儿歌唱的声音 听我说声 我爱你
夕阳西下 鸟儿回家 阿嬷躺 在病床上
呼吸有一点散漫 眼神却很温柔 看着爷爷
湿透的眼 握着他粗糙的手 阿嬷的泪水开始流 轻声说道

我要离去 别再哭泣 不要伤心
请你相信我 要等待 我的爱 陪你永不离开
因为会有那么一天 我们牵着手在草原
听鸟儿歌唱的声音 听我说声 我爱你

I always think, if my dad was come to concious before he passed away 2.5 years ago, he would have said the same thing to my mom. Writing til here, my eyes are filled with tears again...

I wish the lyrics here, that says "I have to go now, don't cry and don't be sad. We will meet one day, and we will hand in hand walk on the grass field listening to birds singing. I love you." won't get sang by one lover to another lover in this world again because it is so sad... and yet the promised future that they will meet again is so soothing and calming.

1 comment:

mun said...

The lyrics is very touching.