Friday, November 30, 2012

A season of giving and receiving

I read some posting on FB these two days, and two news posts really caught my eyes and heart (nowadays, I get most of the local news feeds from facebook... the world has really changed):

1) a policeman at NY handing a new boots to a homeless man who has no shoes on his foot, in this cold winter.

2) Another anonymous, passing out $100 bills to those affected by Sandy storm..

It is simple things like this differentiate us mankind from animals. I feel so touched...

Hope all these generous people get blessed. But I am worried about them too, because I have a sick theory proven right -- good men die horribly young.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012





我希望我不要粗心大意就好了。Alhamdulilah~~ haha...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


昨天bui叫我切苹果给他吃,他有时候会deh bao,不过讲起切水果,他是从来不做的。除了我生大病的一次。

不知怎么的,我竟然切到自己的手指!很深。Bui 看到后,心疼的帮我包扎。我自己倒不觉得什么,就是觉得心跳的很快,大概血液都往外流吧。呵呵,其实伤口很小,但是有一点深。

Bui竟然跟我说以后都不要我切水果了。害我开心了1秒,他接着说,“以后我们喝orange juice & apple juice 就好了。”


Monday, November 26, 2012



他孩子的事,大过天。太保护孩子了,太令我鄙视他们。什么东西都做好好给他们,他们简直像disabled person 一样。申请大学的表格,也要帮他们寄(还不是我寄),还要限制多少天要到。我想想以前都是我自己一手操办的,有什么难的?这样也不会做,不是disabled 是什么??


他老婆的信用卡,多了一块钱的itunes 费用,老婆坚持说没有用过。他把单丢给我,叫我investigate. 很好。自己的credit card information, 情愿给我知道,也不要自己解决。我已经时常扮他老婆打电话做这个做那个的了。一查之下,是他儿子用的,忘了告诉他。



Thursday, November 08, 2012


我把凌乱的长发(也不是很长啦,shoulder length)给剪了,回来的路上觉得脖子很冷,有一点后悔。

从来没有流过长发。小时候妈妈说我很会出汗,就没有给我留。后来进了独中,也不给留长发。在后来出来读大学,没有留,习惯短发。后来遇到Bui, 更死,他讨厌长发女人,说头发太长会弄到他的脸,很geli, wtf... hahah... 我留到shoulder length 时,他已经天天叫我“贞子”,那个日本长发女鬼啦。给他za到。现在我剪了头发,猜猜我的新花名是什么?


看看又有点像。哈哈。不过Bui 在前面放了给‘肥’字。他说我脸比鲁豫肥。@#$%!!

其实是我楼下的邻居先说我像鲁豫的(剪头发前就这样说了)。他们来自中国,太原?I can't really remember. hahaaha...


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

3 more weeks

Final exam is in exactly 3 weeks time!!!

I totally cannot remember much anything before chapter 6... so I have to start revising them... one by one...

Very stressed out!

I have also decided to take a break from next semester, which starts in early Dec to late March of 2013. I don't want to stress out for my precious KL trip + sis wedding + yum yum food session. hahahaha... and I think I want to have two sessions of snowboarding from Jan to Mar !!! Hoo~~~ Hoo~~~ Hooray~~~~~~~~ ^_^'

Monday, November 05, 2012

Walking dead

Walking dead new series is out!!! Hahaha.. I am on episode 3.

Sometimes, I will picture myself live in those time, where 99% of the people are affected by virus, beaten by walking dead, and turned into un-dead walking dead (unless u slammed its head and crushed it) lah. So I asked Bui the other night.

Me, "If I am beaten and turned into a smelly walking corpse, what are you doing to do?"
[My Bui is really hygene... sometimes I beh tahan... like if I wear my same pyjamas for two nights, he will aji ajo there said got smell. HELLLOOOO, here so cold ah, how to sweat, some more at night I only wear few hours leh, how to got smell????!!! Yiu...]

Bui, "Hmm... I will stand still and let u bite me."

Me, "Then you mah turn to walking corpse too??

Bui, "Yes. hahahahahhaa..."

Me, "OK... but you are too fat to qualify to be a walking corpse! hahahahhaa"

Anyway, I damn pity those walking corpse. Their mind are all gone, they are set as auto-mode to bite people only... so pity them...:(If I am living at that time like those actors in the movie, I will purpose let the dead bite me in the very early stage. Why torture yourself running from 99% walking dead while you can easily join them  and no need to be troubled by your memory, your worries, your 烦恼?