Friday, June 29, 2012


I have a new name, "99".


When I got back the paper last night, I was so shocked. I immediately put the paper face down, scared will scare my neighbor. But already too late. The guai low who always sits behind me, yesterday was sitting beside me. He said, "SHIT!". then I looked at his, he got 91%. But instructor "scold" us, she said, "don't be so competitive." hahaha...

Anyway, she said she let us go too easy this midterm. She will make the final harder :( wahhhhhhhhhhhh....

The Law class is getting really more interesting. We were at Human Rights Law, and Privacy Law this week. Soooo interesting.. the more I study law, the more I understand why guai low likes to sue people. So many things can sue!!!!! And once you win, the award is quite high! I presented (each class got presentation, sigh) a case on a mentally disable person, his mom sue on behalf of him to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal because a mobile home rejected his application to rent the home pad, on the basis of discriminating his mental disability and also his source of income (he receiving the government grant for disability each month for $900++, but the rent for the home pad is just $300++). At the end, the tribunal member thinks that to deny onces central needs ("home") based on discrimination is a very egregious act, and they won $10,000. Actually, I suspected he could have gotten $20,000. The highest claim was $35,000 in history as of April 2012. Just because he did not testify in court (mom scared to hurt his feeling, not ask him to testify at court), the tribunal member cut the award down. See how interesting?? Like that also can leh! ngor men nei sei mei! The other person presented a blind person suing a school for cancelling his job interview once they learnt he is blind, he sued the school for discrimination on employment. But because he has not got the job yet, it is not considered under the Human Rights Code. He didn't win big, just $3000. He use this money to go to UBC to study law now. When I hear this kind of case, my jaw also dropped ot the floor.... LIKE THAT ALSO CAN GE MEH??


So tired after got home last night. Didn't call mom. I think she is on her way to Germany now.... I hope she will enjoy her trip fully. First time away from home, travel alone. She is meeting my aunt at Germany. :))))


mun said...

Congrats! congrats! Now you have to wear the number 99 jersey. Your neighbour must be really jealous of you - he thinks his mark is high but yours is higher!

Jennifer said...

Congrats! You are good in studying. Next time, go get 100%. Haha!

limpeh said...

you are so gengchau man ! call you Ms 99 not 95 anymore !

mimi said...

99 Sister! hahaha. You are very intelligent!!