We were talking nonsense one night. And I forgot how we get to the below conversation:
Me: "I dare you, there's no malay words you know, that I don't know."
Bui: "oh yah? Let's see..."
Me waiting patiently...
Bui: "... er... hahaahaha... I know this one you sure don't know one. This is a very difficult malay word oh!"
Me very curious...
Bui: "you sure you want this test?"
Me is very impatient already.... fists were ready... hmm.. hmm... hmm...
..................... what the...
Bui actually think pontianak is a very difficult malay word.... I was trying to hold my laughter, but I failed...
And he still dare to test me! He said he don't believe I know the meaning. I told him it is "vampire".
Bui has the most defeated look on his face... he turn around and sleep with his back facing me.
But I actually am very surprised he know this word. "Pontianak" is sure a very high level malay word for my Bui... no wonder he feels I won't know this word. Hahahahhahaha. Imagine, he doesn't know those common words like tunai, najis, etc etc leh...
He very ng dai duk... he still wants to dare me.
Bui :"what do you call sunny side up egg?"
Me :"mata kerbau lah!" (I think I am right... but I know what he says next is definitely not how you call sunny side up egg loh!!!!)
Bui :"oh yah? Listen up babe. I called it "matahari telur" one time at mamak, and I was given a very ridiculous stare from that an neh neh"
At that point... I really cannot tahan liao... what the.... aiyoh!!!
My Bui.....
Really funny. I always know the word means vampire but somehow in those pontianak malay movie, it's not necessary means vampire. It can be just ghost, normally lady. Then I went to search in Kamus Dewan but couldn't find the word. At last, I found, it's spelt as Puntianak. Haha!
妈妈实在忍俊不禁哩!你的 bui2 太有趣了!这些那些可爱趣事实在也是夫妻俩的情趣呢!
damn funny your bui bui. I wonder if he understands the difference between 'dada' and 'dadah'; 'dara' and 'darah' or not...even the hopeless samyvellu cannot differenciate it...HAHAHA.. faster ask buibui la
Jennifer - I also realized that word means more like a female ghosts to malay than vampire. haha. But I didn't know it is spelled as with the "u" instead of "o".
Mama - hehehehe... yes, he is funny.
Eric - I asked him this morning, if he knows dadah. He said he of course know dadah, it is drug. I was relieved. Then I asked him does he know what is dada without the h? He said it means "bye bye". I was speechless... and in my mind I was trying to figure out why he said it means bye bye, then he do the waving hand to me and said "da-da". Some more he 理直气壮 said to me, "like that you also don't know?" haahahahahahaha... i almost choked on my coffee when he did that... Eric, your friend ah!!!! He didn't know waht is dada.
Regarding the dara and darah, I know darah, but not quite know dara (does it mean princess?), so I didn't ask him. hahaha... But I did ask him kelapa and kepala. That he knows. And he replied sarcastically to me, "i always know the difference of kepala and kelapa, you all choose not to believe I know only." =_='
hahaha....so funny! that's why i would have expected that he doesn't know the meaning ..haha..
dara means 少女 or could be something associated to that (like 处女)..depending on how you use it.
Now come to the best part of this 2 words: try ask him to pronounce it?
in one press interview, the hopeless samyvellu commented: Kita semua mesti derma 'dara', kita tak boleh hisap 'dada'...He got mixed up oredi the pronunciation between this 2 words...hahaha. I bet you buibui will do the same mistake
my bui bui won't do the press interview in Bahasa Malaysia, so this jokes that the good old samy vellu did will not be repeated.
This samy vellu, when is he going to quit making jokes on television or newspaper???!!!
Haha, your post "memang mencuit hati and kelakar" when read :)
actually i don't know what is puntianak. hahaha. Malay, is really my worst subject. :P that means Jay's malay is still better than me haha.
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