Monday, November 23, 2009

Life is unfair

Life is pretty unfair hor?

Good people get tortured with difficulties, while bad people seems to enjoy life - bad people getting pregnant with no pregnancy difficulties, eat eat eat and so fat while good people pregnant with twins and just diagnose it is a monoamniotic twins with some risk of survival; bitch that sucks in people management and only good at office affair by tui-ing around is climbing coporate ladder; 忘恩负义 people 嫁女儿抱孙; good people with great contribution to society died early while beggars on the street have no purpose in life day after day appear on the street beg for money.

Don't know what to say when think of this. Life is very unfair.


舞者 said...

Is it so easy to distinguish between good people and bad people among the people you know? I asked because among the people I know here, there's no such clear distinction. I can only say people are annoying in different ways, at different times, at different levels. Sure, I sometimes wish the drivers who overtake me above speed limit to crash into a tree and die an explosive death, but I won't readily label them as bad. Annoying definitely, bad maybe. It seems like everybody is just like me, and I'm just like everybody -- equally flawed.

Elizebeth D.L. said...

to answer your question, yes, people around me can be easily classified into good or bad people. Probably I have a clear set of definition for both.

Eileen said...

Yeah, I read from her blog. So sad. We must pray for her.