Thursday, November 12, 2009




昨天晚上看一个电视节目,介绍新加坡美食,突然bui bui和我一起说,“很想念nasi lemak...”。呵呵。看到那个主持人吃得满头大汗,我们却在heater旁取暖。电视内容的那种“热”,真令人羡煞。

昨天还是难捱的周四,今天已经是周五了。Yahooo~~~~~~~~~~ 今晚开始又可以玩两天半的facebook. Haha... yah, I am addicted. It's bad.. But I really miss my restaurant, farm, chicken, and fishes in it. How ah? How ah?


zewt said...

Hey elizabeth... your blog header... where did you take the picture? the water clarity is incredible!

zewt said...

i should make a trip there one day!

Elizebeth D.L. said...

It's 九寨沟 (not sure what's it called in english... it's near sichuan). I went with Aigie with our hubby. hehe:)

舞者 said...

干嘛每个马来西亚人一看到 nasi lemak 都馋得不得了?不就是椰浆饭吗,吃多了还会得心脏病。

limpeh said...

九寨沟 english called Jiu Zhai Gou.

zewt said...

sichuan... jiu zhai gau... wow... where is that lah :P

Elizebeth D.L. said...

I can't cook nasi lemak myself even thought it is just 椰浆饭. Aiyoh, u made me drool again just thinking about i can't cook nasi lemak! haha..