Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My boss has menopause

Boss with menopause (is a he), "can you give me the package for tomorrow's AGM meeting?"

I don't even know there's an AGM meeting for tomorrow, to start with. So I replied, "I did not know about the AGM meeting.. I don't remember seeing the package from them."

Boss with menopause, "are you sure? check and get back to me."

After 1 hour, he came back from lunch.

"I printed out the package for you. I got it from the secretary of ABC, I asked her to email me."

Boss with menopause, "so, did they not send to us?"

"... I did not ask about the detail, I thought you just want the package"

Boss with menopause, "you should be more curious. Find out if they sent it to us earlier! Because if they did not send out to us, the other Mr will not know about the meeting. Do you get what I mean? xing xiu xiu la"

I REALLY WANT TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%!!!!!!!!!!

The other person did not send the package to you, you can scold me???????

:< I am so wanting to slap him!!!! Hate him so much. Fake face.


Anonymous said...



mun said...

Your boss knows Cantonese? Can rebuke you with "xing xiu xiu la" - knows how to use the "la" somemore - from M'sia?

Elizebeth D.L. said...

the la I put one. But he did said xing xiu xiu, I think he said xing xiu xiu ng goi. He from HK although he like people to think he is locally made in Canada.