Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How do Muslim Astronauts Pray?

I am very free today (actually this whole week!!), so I was browsing Jeff Ooi's blog. Something caught my attention and I read through the whole 33 comments on "MOSTI conference to probe how Muslim astronauts pray"

Facts that caught my attention from this blog:

"For instance, Muslims wash before they pray but not only is water a precious commodity in space, but it is also impractical in weightlessness.

Likewise, the faithful face Mecca. However, that will mean pin-pointing a moving location while in zero gravity.

And Muslim prayer times are linked to those of the sunrise and sunset, but in orbit the sun appears to rise and set more than a dozen times a day. "

Comment that caught my laughters and attention:

1-"While there is still 25% chance that we will not have a muslim astronaut going to space next October, why do they want to discuss about this issue now which might turn out to be a non-issue ? Why not do it only after the final selection is made ? That is provided one of the three muslim men got selected."

2-"This is very interesting. God, the creator of the universe and everything in it, must be perfect in every way.If he gives and edict, it must be universally applicable.If it cannot be unversally applied, then it cannot be god's edict."

3-"So if the astronaut was Chinese would there be an conference to establish the viability of burning joss sticks and other offerings in space?

JEFF OOI says: Another stereotyping that lacks cultural anchorage. Chinese don't burn joss sticks and offerings. Taoists do. Some taoists are Chinese. Chinese are not all Taoists."

4-"Do we realy should send astronaut? i think we should send one whole space ship instead, what kind of thing that they will do in outer space. I think this is just another malaysia boleh project. About the muslim religious activity in space, just bear in mind muslim is a flexible religion in manyways. so i dont think praying, fasting could be an issue for the astronaut. And even if he is muslim first is do he pray or not? "

Sorry... no offence to any Muslim here. But Oh My Oh My.... they are so true and yet so funny to realize it is true~~~


舞者 said...

This has the same spirit as the Malaysian parliament members discussing dress code over and over again in parliament meetings. Retards.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.