Monday, November 28, 2011


这是“before”的照片。I bought a pack of 饺子皮(一袋50个),一磅碎肉,一扎韭菜,一些虾,再切些冬菇,ta-da~~~ 包了45个水饺!



ok. 请看之后的照片!:)我们马上吃了25个,我藏了20个冰箱freezer里面。Ah Bui 一直想把它们都干掉...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I planned to 包饺子 this weekend.

We had been addicted to eat jiaozi ever since we saw one it was selling at a supermarket. Frozen one. 28 pieces at $6.88. Then I tell bui for $6.88 I can buy 3 lbs of minced meat and make many many many jiaozi loh... so he dared me, "then u do it lah, since we both love to eat".

Haha... stay tune... will share the success/failure soon~~~~

p/s: every time I eat jiaozi, I think of my dad. The memory was so fond when dad and mom bao jiaozi at home. Yummy...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What I am experiencing in Canada now, is very much like my first year in China - frustration, shocked, surprised, helpless.

You know Fedex, some company in Toronto is sending a cheque to my boss by courier. Actually, I also don't know why they want to use courier, regular mail would have reached us in 5 business days anyway.

So anyway, they sent out on Nov 10. Should have reached us on Nov 11.

I don't know which idiot, put in wrong address, so delivery cannot be made due to incorrect address. That was on Nov 14. Then I let the other party know, because she is the sender. She only gave me the tracking number to track it. Hallo... you sent it leh, shouldn't you be tracking and let us know the status? Instead, she asked me call 1800. Fine. That was yesterday, Nov 21. I didn't call last week because I thought she was dealing with it. Only yesterday that I find it 忍无可忍, I tracked it and I called and I solved it (well, at least I thought I solved the issue). Apparently they have the wrong street address. Anyway, happily waiting for the cheque today so I can bank it in for my boss so I don't have to hari hari go bank. Well, guess what, the status is still "incorrect address". I api pun ada. Called 1800 and it is an acha, speaking acha english (@#$%!) and I scolded her how can  you still have incorrect address? She got the guts to say this to me, "it is due to lack of buzzer information". I said I read online it says "incorrect address". She said there's a second line says "lack of buzzer info". I said I could not see your SECOND line!!!!!!! I told her I never have ANY issue with ANY courier company, they don't need buzzer they just come right in, the door is not locked, it is a commercial building, come in, take the lift to 3rd floor!!!!! She said, "ok, let me write down?". After like dunno how many seconds, she said, "you said you are on 3rd floor?" Wah I tell you, my api goes to roof already. I told her, "THE ADDRESS SAYS unit 310!!!! YES, 3rd FLOOR!!!!!!"

Blardy hell.... I black list Fedex already.

I black listed DHL before too... they got the guts to tell us we not at home on their 2 times delivery. We said we are at home. THey said  no body answered the door. At the end, I caught the uncle DHL guy (acha again) coincidently, he was ringing 50X instaed of 50Y. @#$%!!!!!@#$%!!@$#$!#!%@$@#$!!!

And then UPS once put the package outside the door, did not sign. Just leave the package out there.

I missed China kuaid systems. They never fail me in that so many years.

I think I officially hate Canada.

Monday, November 21, 2011


说的是2008年美国房产泡沫的始因。看了似懂非懂... 不懂的是因为不明白为什么这么荒唐的事情可以发生的如此明明白白。懂的是1+1=2这样简单的道理,为什么就有人以为1+1可以等于10这么荒唐?

U.S. real estate bubble, 是因为这些不知所谓的银行家 (Citigroup!!),Fed Reserve, Insurance companies, Mortgage companies, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 搞的鬼!借钱买屋子不用提交pay slip, income tax statement (no-doc), 也不用交一分钱的deposit (100% loan), 傻子都知道这是不行的!这是要方便那些破了产的人和欠了一屁股债的人也可以拥有房子。把这些烂臭loan 打包再分拆弄成其他的security instruments,转卖给其他投资者。投资者因为相信那些credit rating company 如 Merrill Lynch 说这些是triple-A rating就投资了,哪里会想到投的是一个烂臭东西呢?人天性是optimistics的,想到real estate一定会直线升值(听来很像温哥华和上海北京广州的房产)。好运的condo flipper 在还没有烧焦就转手把房子卖了,赚了个difference,当然不用deposit payment也可以生钱了。但是房价往下掉的时候,就烧了个焦头烂额!(这个就像股票中的margin)也有很多人当时不知道这样的subprime loan 要交很多的interest fees的。但是银行帐单也太行了,amount payable 其实是 minimum payment, 当你交了 amount payable, 你以为已经交完该交的钱,其实你还有那个minimum payment difference 没有交到,等等。

现在明白为什么那么多人这样生气这些credit rating company & banks. 他们知法犯法,把整个美国全世界的经济都拖垮了好几年了。稍微缓些气来,竟然来个欧式大“杂”蟹!什么时候全球经济才能正常起来呢?!越看这本书越生气。难怪有人要在华尔街示威!虽然内容未必相同,但是这些大公司只手遮天的行为也太让人气愤了!

Friday, November 18, 2011

She's 92

Saw my neighbor Dave in the lift yesterday. He was so nice, holding up the lift so I can have time to get mail from the mailbox.

In the lift, he told me his mother just passed away today. I thought I hear wrongly... I repeated, "your mother??". He said she's at Ottawa. I told him I was sorry... He smiled and said she's 92.

92??!!! Then I don't feel sorry at all. Hey, your mom outlived my dad for more than 1/4 of the century ok!

He didn't look sad at all... or he has not have time to reflect to the news? I don't know... Even if my mom live til 200 years old and if I know she passed away, I will be really really really sad.

One thing I find guai lou here, they not close to their parents at all... parents died, just die loh. No big deal.

:-( Why so different one?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Miso Soup

最近爱上 Miso Soup. 试了2个牌子,这个最好喝了!

Yum Yum... ^_^

Monday, November 14, 2011


Today, two things I discovered and my face was like the attached picture...

1) I owned some US stock, and they paid out some gei mun gai dividend. There's a 30% withholding tax on dividend because I am not US citizen. But because it is really gei-mun-gai, I bochap and tak hirau. Today I got some time and I googled and realized I should be paying 15% instead of 30%!! Apparently I missed filling in some form. W-8BEN. Wholly Mama.... I have received 4 times of dividend already and now only I realize this huge discovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) I Live Chat with an agent on my brokerage firm. Told him the situation. He said normally they won't missed asking client to fill in the form. But since damage has been made, he offers me a $2.50 rebate. I told him I don't think it is fair. I have been paid 4 times of dividend this year.. the difference is more than $2.50 (more like $3 something actually). Then the agent said he will rebate me with $4.95. This is the second time I have the startled expression... wah.... good wor... 做错就认,unlike in China, this kind of situation, the agent sure aji ajo one.

So I filled in that form and send it back to Ontario.. Hopefully my next dividend will be withhold at only 15%. Finger-crossed...

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


I thought this only happen in China...

Dim butt ji... in advanced country like Canada also can be like that....

The person sat next to me on skytrain this morning, was digging his beisi and he kept digging and digging, and then finally he digged out some, and he put them into his mouth... sucked them.

He is young, age 20-25, caucasian.

I am seriously thinking of driving car to work next year.........


Tuesday, November 08, 2011


又一则笑话,directed by Bui Bui.

ok, 2, actually.

我生日的时候,bui写了一张很lum人的生日卡。正当我看到眼泪流下时,我却哈的一声笑出来。原来bui写了一个错别字。一帆风顺(你们也奇怪为什么爱人的生日卡有这一句?哈哈),写成一风顺。差一点晕倒。差一个字,意义却非常的不一样了。哈哈。Oh my Bui...

今天我提到我老板。我说他其实善事做很多,但是却对下属时常发脾气。Bui就说,做老板当然得有老板的样,不然下属会放荡。我傻掉了。放荡,不是形容女人那种的行为吗?后来我想了一下,立刻知道Bui其实是想说,“不然会放纵下属”。Oh mama....

晕倒了没有??: s

Monday, November 07, 2011




5)原来康熙溺爱太子,是因为太子的母亲生下他后就死掉了。康熙很喜欢这个女人,所以就把太子亲自调教,无奈盲从的溺爱害死了太子。这一点这一代中国父母需要学习了。中国的 one child policy, 弄得10个父母,10个都溺爱自己的孩子。这是很危险的事情。你看康熙的废太子就知道了。



p/s: 这本书没有讲到这么贤能的八阿哥,是不是也像步步惊心电影里的八阿哥那样lengchai呢?!