突然想起广东话有一句:“有头发,谁想要做la lei”。挺有意思的。
我今天真正的领悟到“有头发,谁想要做la lei”的意思。很有感触。也突然很同情中国人。如果不是以前的不同朝代因为腐朽的朝廷带来百姓艰难的生活、日战时期的痛苦、战后的闭门政策、等等,他们也不会embrace现在这样丑陋的习俗吧?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
有头发,谁想要做la lei
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
我很喜欢这个新家呢!老公也说了一句话令我感动了很久 :“老婆,虽然我们的新家离我们的工作远一点,但是我知道这个新家会带给你快乐,所以也无所谓了:)希望你现在会每天都快乐一点。”
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Smoking in China
One recent survey showed that in China, 60% of male is a heavy smoker, 3% of female is a heavy smoker. This is from newspaper, I forgot to copy the link la. Fug lah.
In my office, 95% of the guys are heavy smoker. None of the women are smoker, which is good.
I just got back from a very 难受lunch, the guys colleague kept smoking and smoking and smoking, until I got headache. I seriously cannot understand, they don't scared die young from smoking so heavily???
I smelled like I just been to karaoke or disco. Damn irritating smell. My hair, face, clothing, hands, neck, sifut all smell like shit now!
Do you know that 98% restaurants in this country does not have non-smoking area? So if your neighbor table is a heavy smoker, you are screwed up big time.
I hate.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
It took me 1 day to think back who was the person behind the Sept 11 attack, he is Osama Bin Laden (yes, I admist i must be old... how can I loose out this piece from my memory?? But I am really bad with names... that's the fact.)
Why I suddenly think of him? Reason 1: lately watched the movie Flight 93, very touched. Reason 2: I was taking flight from Guangzhou back to Shanghai on China Airline yesterday, and 1 observation really strucked me like lightning..
My seat was at 4th row. So I can see most of the movement very clearly. Having watched Flight 93, I was giving extra attention to the cockpit door, in my brain, the memory of the movie kept running - how the bad guys force into the cockpit and have control the whole plane.. how the good guys bump through the hard cockpit door and struggle with the bad guys, at the end save the plane from hitting white house.
My extra attention given to the cockpit door showed me some shocking fact. It is either the officer inside the cockpit door is very yim jim or what, he kept asking things from the stewardess, firs of all, 3 glasses of orange juice, then 1 botol of mineral water, then 3 sets of meal tray, then tissue, then etc etc etc. The whole flight, the cockpit door kept opening and closing. Stewardess knocked on the door with code, he opened it and get the stuff. He opened the door and ask stewardess to get him the stuff, door closed, then door was knocked again by stewardess, and stuff was pass to him. Then door open again, officer went into the lavotory, which is just 90 degree to the cockpit door.
The whole process... I was thinking, if Osama bin Laden one day decided to hijack the china plane, it will be damn easy. There were so many opportunities to bump through that cockpit door, it was opening and closing the whole time anyway. no need to use force also can go in loh...
We poor passengers will then be like Flight 93, making calls back home to say "I love you" to the loved ones. Chinese will have no issue with this, many of them did not turn off the handphone anyway.
Life seems very cheap at that moment.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
First time this year...
First time this year, I am wearing skirt to office!!! Hohohoho!!! Feels great!!!
Summer is finally here I think, if no more crazy taifun and unstable 气流,we should be able to enjoy the sun for the next coming few months!!! Yahooooo~~~~
Feels really great:) I stored the heavy and bulky winter clothes away last weekend, and move out lots of summer clothes and dresses. Yes, my day is here. Skirty Months~~~
Can you see me smiling over here :)
Uneasy afternoon
Just got back from a business trip, and here I am in the office, feeling uneasy about everything.
1) due to an official product launch, we must have a guai low face in our event. And so no choice, have to invite the director. We have to submit CV to share with the media, so ask CV from him. He just replied email and said bla bla bla my CV is very simple, I work since 1983, then move to europe, then france, then Malaysia, bla bla bla until now, I love kids but not married yet, and I love Asia (what the F???). Say nothing about education level, nothing about what's his position in europe, france, or whatsoever country, and if he did anything marvellous over there. So, not only I have to imagine what's his post, I have to translate it into chinese. MAKAHAI loh!!!!!!!!!!
2) Our admin, kept on arguing with someone over the phone, on 1 point. Just 1 point, it takes her from 3pm until now, past 2 hours, round and round and round talking on the phone with that one point:
- admin:" we will only pay full after the service. I can pay half now only"
- the other person over the phone :"no, we need to receive full payment before service"
Can't one of them just give in? Sitting at my place, I can hear what's she say on the phone totally, and it is really making me crazy!!!!!!!!! @#$%!
....... I think my P is coming. Damn mung cheng!!@#$!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I accidentally stumbled into this website while I was doing work today. My mouth was widely open, and shocked that somebody actually think what he did and think was very much to be proud of, and put on the website. Totally amazed!!
I very 鄙视 this guy! If you want to read. Please click on here. But be prepared, you will have another "cultural" shock.
(注:the article was 1 year old. So perhaps after a year, the man has learnt that his thinking is very 要不得,and have some improvements. please help him!!)
3 great movies
Recently, I watched 3 movies. 3 movies also very ichiban!!!! I really like them all.
1) Flight 93
It is a reconstruction of what happened to flight 93, that was supposed to hit white house or capitol building on Sept 11 incident, but end up hitting on the ground after the survival fight between teh 40+ passengers with the 3 terrorists on the plane. I really salute to them all!!!
2) Inside Man
Starred by Denzel Washington and Clive Owen. Very cleverly thought movie, dunno based on true story or not. It is about a cleverly planned and thought through bank robber lead by Clive Owen. Very entertaining and yet suspension movie. Ichiban!
3) Match Point
Starred by Jonathan Rhys Meyer and Emily Mortimer and Scarlett Johansson. It is about a poor guy, due to the lust for better power, wealth, and job, marry a rich man's daughter, but later on have affair with another sexy lips woman. (she is really sexy!!!). 剧情紧张,曲折。Very very ichiban!!!! I was having difficulty breathing normally for the suspension it created. Damn chi gek. But the conclusion of this movie makes me feel a bit depressed - the conclusion is: the important element of your life is LUCK. With Good Luck, you can accomplish many things. It is true, thinking back of the plots in this movie, that guy named Chris (Jonathan Rhys Meyer) is damn good luck through out!!
Chloe (Emily Mortimer) the wife, is really not pretty lah. Damn irritating. But perhaps it is also true that rich and wealthy family normally do not have pretty daughters. haha..
Nola (Scarlett Johansson) is really sexy!! My god!
Yes, i have to confessed one thing - I watched these movie on pirated DVD, with superior quality.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
MI:3,中国人翻译为谍中谍3. The censorship body is considering banning this movie in China (luckily I watched it in Malaysia already, knew somehow this will happen!), due to one reason: 片中有丑化上海的‘味道’,没有太多的繁华都市情景,只有肮脏凌乱狭小的小弄堂,以及凉衣杆。
其实,我也觉得美国人在拍这部片的时候,潜意识里还是认为上海还是比美国落后的。他完全忽略了看这一部电影的人,华人是会占很大部分的,中国人更是不可漠视的一批观众,而正在或曾经在上海生活过的人更是不少。导演竟然有一段叫Tom Cruise去衡山路找一个人,但那镜头拍出来的却是灰暗,好像很穷的一个小区(有一点象美国的黑人小区)。我就在衡山路的附近住的,我可以很肯定那不是衡山路。衡山路是很有名的一条路,店组很贵,房租也很贵,基本上,什么都很贵的一条路。再来,镜头shift到他从衡山路的一个小房间里窥望外面,那个景色,根本不是衡山路可以望到的景色,有一点象香港。但可能是浦东。令我很浑惑。我就这样的在批判,那10分钟内,我的心根本不在剧情里头,miss了那一段的剧情。
(注:这只是本人的humble opinion, 可能那一段真的是在衡山路拍的。但如果是这样的话,导演更不可以原谅咯!因为如果你只是想突出中国简陋的地方,你就不应该用衡山路啦!用其他的地方啦!衡山路太famous over here liao, 导演自讨苦吃。)
Monday, May 15, 2006
最近我发觉到,很多人,开始真的看灯过马路。Amazing.他们的Marketing Campaign - TV station, Posters, Volunteers 没有白做。有一次,我感到深深的震惊,是这样的--有一天,有一对母女和我们共乘一架电梯下楼,母亲大约30岁,女儿大约5岁。我和老公因为忘了带某一样东西,所以我们又乘回同一架电梯回去楼上拿东西,再乘下一架电梯下去。照理讲,那对母女应该更快比我们先过楼下的马路。但当我们已过了楼下的马路,才看到他们从对面走过来。女孩大概也意识到这一件事,正和她的妈妈嘀咕着,他妈妈说:“没事,我好得很,我们遵守秩序过马路”。其实那一条是很小的马路,我和老公是看看没车就从楼房外过了。没看灯。这件事烙在我脑海蛮久--这位妈妈真的很好,以身作则。我很敬佩。惭愧?没有。在上海,久久或多多事都还轮不到我来感到惭愧ok?
2) 我们的办公楼
我们的办公楼也在进步。禁止人们胡乱的在任何一个角落吸烟。Amazing! 还有,以前打的是一件类似“上巴杀”的事--非常乱,没有秩序,人们穿着西装可以和可怜的小姑娘上演一出抢出租车的一幕。可耻!现在,有一个地方专门是给人排队等出租车的,没有的争了。还有管理人员在那儿管理秩序。非常好。
RMB 7888/year
I told most of you guys that my apartment downstairs is starting to build a yoga center before labor day right? It is completed now, and starting the process of recruiting new members.
I was quite curious and interested to join. But even though it is just downstairs my house, I was quite busy passing by it every weekend, without the opportunity to go up and enquire more about it.
Yesterday, I received its brochure slipped through my house door. Happily reading it, my mouth was suddenly like this --> O
RMB 7888 a year for membership!!!!!
FUG!!!!!! HOLI SHEET!!!!!!! WAT THE........@#$%!
And this is just for membership!! Have not even talked about fees!!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
MotoGP Race - Shanghai
老公因为工作上的关系,有两张个值980元的MotoGP Race 3日的票。我们因为很懒惰,所以拖到星期天才去。
星期日,10.30am,匆匆忙忙的赶到上海体育馆乘搭他们的专用车到赛车场(大约45分钟车程,还蛮远的)。这一点,马来西亚就做不到了,所以,我很佩服上海在这一方面的考虑周到,以及人力上的分配。到了那边,已经有好几十辆,甚至上百辆的巴士在那里了,(豪华的那种,不是印度的那种OK..)。好壮观的景色。轻松的下了车,我们就朝入门口走去。也要走个20-30分钟,damn far!路途还不断有卖黄牛票的人和卖望远镜的人骚扰。真讨厌。那个望远镜,他可以从150元降价到20元,真不知道真正的cost是多少。入场的门口:)
Jay的Dream Car
只卖150元到250元,so cheap!!
Get Ready... Set.... GO!!!人,人,人.....
猜猜是谁制造了群众的骚动?是王力宏!!!和蔡依林!!! (其实,我到现在还是搞不懂她是蔡依林还是戴佩妮??我真的老了)他们是来替罗西打气的。Cool~~~他们的出现,让现场的赛车手突然逊色不少。艺人的影响力还是那么的大!现场尖叫声此起彼落。
MotoGP Race 比赛就要开始了!
结果,我骑了这一辆instead. Ha! Do I look like Ah Lian?:p
其实,我们根本不是什么Moto GP Race 的粉丝。所以,我们俩是跟着群众喝彩、尖叫、到最后,谁赢了场比赛,我们俩都不知道。很惭愧。哈!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Never realized how effective of the brain-washed can a 邪教do to the people, until last night watched the documentary show, on the 1995 东京地铁沙林袭击事件.
I guess I never really read newspaper in 1995 (actually, even nowadays too). Last night documentary show is like a current news to me, damn shocked.
I really wish all these bad guys/leaders will one day sincerely realize what kinda evil things they did to the mankind.
First thing in my mind -- flight delay situation.
Sigh. Time to buy that RMB3 magazine again - kill time at airport/plane.
有没有试过,也是在一个载了很多人的lift,所有人都靠得很近。这次,站在你前面的女郎,头发是束起来的。你以为没有什么意外可发生了,但是,unexpectedly, things happened -- 她的头发的确是绑起来,但她完全没有意识到,绑起的头发也占有一定的空间。她忘我地在电梯里左右摆动她的头,上下观看。被束起的发球,差一点就像网球般的快打到你的脸。
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
这次回国有很多的启示和收获。原来,我们的国家真的在进步着。老公这次回国也顺道renew passport,原想这回肯定要耗上一个下午,没有想到,现在我们可以用KIOSK renew passport. 耗时3分钟而已,各天下午就可以拿!整个过程轻松,不用排队,还有有礼貌的officer帮我们解答一些疑问(譬如,照片只要一张吗?)我佩服得五体投地。很光荣我们的国家可以进步到这个程度!那杀那,有一点感动。让我思索了许多事情。不过,如果income tax department 可以尽快refund 我们的 tax debit 会更好!哈!
吃了好多东西,回来称了一下,重了1kg. kanasai...
唯一遗憾的是,忘了吃butter crab~~~~~ :(
Another 6 months to keep me all excited again. Sigh... 好啦,明天会更好。。 (安慰一下自己)