Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How do Muslim Astronauts Pray?

I am very free today (actually this whole week!!), so I was browsing Jeff Ooi's blog. Something caught my attention and I read through the whole 33 comments on "MOSTI conference to probe how Muslim astronauts pray"

Facts that caught my attention from this blog:

"For instance, Muslims wash before they pray but not only is water a precious commodity in space, but it is also impractical in weightlessness.

Likewise, the faithful face Mecca. However, that will mean pin-pointing a moving location while in zero gravity.

And Muslim prayer times are linked to those of the sunrise and sunset, but in orbit the sun appears to rise and set more than a dozen times a day. "

Comment that caught my laughters and attention:

1-"While there is still 25% chance that we will not have a muslim astronaut going to space next October, why do they want to discuss about this issue now which might turn out to be a non-issue ? Why not do it only after the final selection is made ? That is provided one of the three muslim men got selected."

2-"This is very interesting. God, the creator of the universe and everything in it, must be perfect in every way.If he gives and edict, it must be universally applicable.If it cannot be unversally applied, then it cannot be god's edict."

3-"So if the astronaut was Chinese would there be an conference to establish the viability of burning joss sticks and other offerings in space?

JEFF OOI says: Another stereotyping that lacks cultural anchorage. Chinese don't burn joss sticks and offerings. Taoists do. Some taoists are Chinese. Chinese are not all Taoists."

4-"Do we realy should send astronaut? i think we should send one whole space ship instead, what kind of thing that they will do in outer space. I think this is just another malaysia boleh project. About the muslim religious activity in space, just bear in mind muslim is a flexible religion in manyways. so i dont think praying, fasting could be an issue for the astronaut. And even if he is muslim first is do he pray or not? "

Sorry... no offence to any Muslim here. But Oh My Oh My.... they are so true and yet so funny to realize it is true~~~

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

同里--- 一趣点


Monday, April 24, 2006



昨天,jay 的按摩师傅告诉我们他已决定7月尾或8月头结婚。他平时也时常跟我们提起他和女友的一些小事,去哪里哪里完,等等的趣事。他人也很爽快的那种,所以听到他说他要结婚了,我们也替他高兴。

这又让我们回忆起我们5个月前的婚礼,看似简单,过程却不简单啊。忙忙碌碌的,时间一眨眼就过去了,还记得我最后一个下午还不放过去midvalley做指甲,一定要确保美美的做一个新粮,然后晚上的mini buffet也不亦乐乎的招待朋友,同事,真的很高兴见到他们,因为这一别,还真的要等个一年半载才见面,所以很珍惜。隔天晚上的酒席也很匆忙,忙忙碌碌的化妆,然后吃没几样菜,又忙碌的招待客人,还没来得及一桌一桌的敬酒,最后一道菜已上了,客人也陆续的要离开了。真的像做梦一样快的过程,就这样结束了。回到家其实还蛮饿的,不过因为实在太累了,就吃也没吃饱,睡觉去了。




Thursday, April 20, 2006

孤陋寡闻的我今天才从同事的口中知道--中国(基于政治原因)是没有直飞的飞机飞台湾的! "O

Morning News

This morning, as usual, I switched on TV watching the 看东方 news just like any other days.

I was so stunned to hear such a news. Was thinking weather to put this into blog or not. Scared will stir some uneasiness in some people again, but I guess this one is not "written" by me on my thoughts, I just simply reiterate what I have heard this morning into my blog.

Lately, China government thinks that his people are getting more and more serious in ignoring all the rules on road - crossing roads without following rules and lights. So they placed some policemen at some popular spots to fine people who wrongly crossing roads. However, reporters from 看东方 recorded a few shocking scenes:

1) a lady simply crossing the road, policeman wants to fine her. She kept running/walking away from the policeman. Policeman have to follow her to many many lorong within those small 小弄堂, she kept saying "not only I simply cross the road, why you want to catch me and fine me? 我不服!”the policeman replied, "because 你带头乱过马路!”she still not give up, walk away from policemen across many many lorong. But finally still get the fine of RMB 50.

2) a man simply crossing the road. 2 policemen wanted to fine him, he immediately shouted "我闹肚子!!!”and run to the nearest building. THe 2 policemen looked at each other, stunned.

3) 2 women simply crossing the road, got caught. the lady said "don't touch me!! you have no rights!" hyterically she screamed "why you touched me? WHY?!" the policemen have to tell her to calm down and she has 犯法. She still want to run away, and when policemen tried to calm her down she shoved him away, pushed him rudely 3 times! At the end, the policemen have to use other people force to calm her down and sent her into the police car to bring back to police station.

4) Policeman caught a man crossing road when the pedestrian light is red. He kept arguing that when he was crossing, the pedestrian light is orange, ignoring the fact that there is only 2 colors on the pedestrian light, one is red, the next is green. THere is no orange light. Such argument lasted for half an hour.

Actually, because of knowing people might get fine for simply crossing road from the news since 2 days ago plus the fact I saw from 看东方 that the policeman really will fine people for 犯法, this morning I waited for the green pedestrian light to cross the road. Because of this, I missed the bus (@#$%!). But hey, I really don't have the guts to play hide & seek with policeman, to push the policeman or shout bad words at them or created a lie "stomache" just to avoid getting fine.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some cool pictures

Never realized one of my fren can paint that well!
Hey Kai Xin, you owe me online advertising fees ;)

Black ones are shadows, white ones are the real camels...
The snap was taken from the top.......
(Thye sent this to Yee Ling alone, luckily Yee Ling share this nice picture with all of us. hahaha... Thye, very pian xin ah~)


Tuesday, April 18, 2006


This morning Old Law's blog caught my attention, he mentioned one of his friend was feeling uncomfortable after reading most of my blogs are criticizing about shanghainese.

I replied my apologise, and sat back & give few minutes of thoughts about this.

I was imagining myself reading a blog, criticizing Malaysian's Malay laziness, MAS that has bad service and bad service attitude, TNB that says want to raise price but never raise the quality of their service, Maxis that monopoly most of the coverage in one of the IOI owened property but cannot give people broadband connection over there and forced them to take up a 3G that don't know will work or not, Malaysian police that molested suspected-chinese (still puzzled about the real nationality of that smooth skin lady) lady and thus came the popular phrase "lokap girl", etc etc... I was pretending I am a Malaysian, reading all these abroad (actually not pretending, I did read about them), and what's my reactions? I actually don't feel bad or angry about all these criticism, because they are all real. They did happen, and with rational sense, it is not difficult to recognize which side has 道理。I do not feel a single sense of anger towards people who mentioned about all these Malaysian 丑闻,becuase they are not 无中生有,it really did happen.

When I was first residing here, I need to get a so-called "yellow paper" from the local police here to prove that I really live in the shanghai address that I have given, until the real working visa is out. The shanghainese policemen were very nice to me. However, they mentioned something:" your country, the policemen, do not like us?" I asked him if he was referring to the "lokap girl" event, he said yes. I replied, "I feel very bad about it too, and I must apologized on behalf of our mistakes. But perhaps there are misunderstanding too, because some reports mentioned that the girl is not chinese chinese." The policeman then chit chat with me a while, leaving this topic totally behind. We had a great chat, and he said I can speak chinese very well (ok ok.. this is beside the point, hehe). I also praised his country is very "powerful", retail industry is booming, car industry is booming, everything is booming and people's life are getting better and better.

My point is, no country is perfect. sure got 丑闻。But, as a citizen, we should be proud of what the country achieved of course, but at the same time cannot 否认 there are still many things to improve on the ugly side.

Sigh... I guess my this blog perhaps will create some uneasiness on some china chinese again. OK, must 重申,I always criticise that people here are rude, don't line up, spit on the road whenever they like, push people around when walking, talk loudly, etc etc. All these are true for only 80-90% of the population here only ok. My colleagues are nice people, my shanghainese grandparents do not own any of the bad traits here too. So, perhaps is my luck, always let me see the 80-90% of the people with these bad traits - don't que up, push people, bad service, talk loudly, smoke in public, etc etc.

If you are the good 10-20% china chinese who feel uneasy about all my comment before about shanghai, then I am truly sorry. But hey, the incidents all did really happen, I never made up any of the criticizm over here.

Monday, April 17, 2006



王蔚,老公在北京工作。一个月可能只见着他不到5天。已经35岁了,还没有小孩,这也不出奇。平时她的举止就好像没老公似的,晚上在外跟朋友吃饭,自己找活动。出奇的是,就算老公回来上海的时间,她也不回家吃饭,宁愿跟同事吃饭、按摩、唱K. 玩到很晚才回家。她说她老公回来上海也有他的朋友要见,要玩。







这4个女人,乍看像是美国的"Sex & the City", 可是唯一不同的是,“Sex & the City" 的4个女人都很快乐的有着自己的生活。这4个上海女人却一点也不快乐。

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Haagen Dazs

It was a nice sunny day yesterday afternoon, we had Haagen Dazs at a place called Mei Luo Cheng (美罗城).

We ordered double scoop, Rum Raisin, and Chocolate Chip flavored ice-cream.

Happily waiting for our ice-cream, it came in very watery condition, like gonna melt in 1 minute kinda situation.

We asked the waitress to look into it. She brought back the 2 scoops later, the only thing different is the sequence of the 2 scoops was reversed. Just now was rum raisin at the bottom, now the rum raisin is at the top. Still very watery. The waitress apologized saying because now is summer time, and the fridge kept opening and closing so the ice cream was not "solid". But she kept stressing that summer time the ice cream is like that.

I almost want to tell her - from where I come from, where 365 days also summer day, the Haagen Dazs there still serve solid Haagen Dazs ice-cream you idiot!!!

But I refrained myself. As my hubby always tell me when I am about to burst everytime, not worth angry at the people who does not even know they are idiot.

Look at this picture, this was just after few scoops taken after the ice-cream was served at our table. Not even 1 minute and the condition is like that, the chinese blame it on summer day. By the way, the Haagen Dazs was in air-conditioning room.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


今天无意的看到〈清平调〉,想起中学美好的时段。还记得那时候,都要死到临头了(SPM) 我们还是尽情的玩乐。呵呵~~







Wednesday, April 12, 2006






第6项,“不在公共场所吸烟”,这个根本起不了作用,那些cipet uncle, 还是在任何一个公共场所尽情的抽烟。连我们的中国公司总裁也令我大跌眼镜 -- 有一次出差,酒店里的吸烟房已住满了,服务员给了他一间非吸烟房,他竟然不理会房间的“非吸烟”条规,尽情的在里面吸烟,还事后告诉我们,说“谁叫他们不给我吸烟房”我听了应酬的笑一笑。内心却是大起大落...太可恶了!!!


有一次,在一个高架上的一个休息站,看到一条这样的告示“在离开时,请不要忘了您贵重的东西,以及您的同伴”我很是惊讶!难道竟然有人离开休息站的时候离弃或忘了带上他的同伴?哇噻!突然在我脑海里有很多的画面。 妈的,什么地方的人会干出这样的事?!上海,上海人。我的心情久久不能平复。

Tuesday, April 11, 2006



今天,在我们无心插柳的聊天中,她终于承认她与他分手了。听着她坚强的口吻说道:“没事的,我也只是哭了2天而已。”后来在我们的追问下,她告诉了我们他多么的大男人主义、多么的自私、追她的时候又有多么的痴情及用手段,等等。我们听了都傻了眼,这世上竟然还有这么自私的男人,高兴时就找你吃饭,吃完晚饭8点钟就坚持把你送回家去,他再另外跟朋友出去玩。大家一起吃饭时,女的不可以多说话,不可以发言。。。 种种不可理喻的要求。然后突然上个礼拜,一起出外去玩了3天,就再也找不到他了,神奇的消失了。好不容易再找到他,他却说什么也不想谈,给他个三两天想清楚。我们同事一个听了,实在忍不住,说了句:“这种男人不得好死,幸好你抽身得早。”我的受害同事只是苦笑了一下。她说她只是担心嫁不出去。其实她还好,只是27岁而已啦!人也长得漂亮。应该很快会找到一个。


Monday, April 10, 2006



张骞在西域漂流了13年,几经辛苦地回到了汉朝的帝国,他拖着蹒跚的脚步,一步一步的经过2000文官与酒席走向皇上,然后跪下哭着说:“皇上...我回来了!" 这一幕,配上壮愁的音乐,令我深深的掉泪...然后皇上心疼地一句:“这13年来,你去了哪里?我想你想了整整13年!”这更令我感动万分。张骞的忠心与恒心,皇上的识英雄的气概,让我深深地感慨万分。




还有3个星期,我就可以尽情的脱离上海这粗暴的城市,吃尽我怀念的nasi lemak, roti canai, bakuteh, ban mee, cha kuey teow, 还有妈妈的拿手好菜!!! 出街也不用担心踩到亮晶晶的痰。Hurray~~~~~


Friday, April 07, 2006





Thursday, April 06, 2006



